The Ref Stop

Dissent (by word)

Alfie Cooper

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all,

I've been watching a lot of BPL games in the recent months, during these games I often feel I see players use dissent by word. This is not normally directed at the referee but that shouldn't stop these players being cautioned? I maybe the only person seeing this but I just wanted to post this to see if there is anyone else seeing it more commonly or, to see if there is anyone who has knowledge into why referees do not act against it (apart from the obvious, which is not hearing it).
The Ref Stop
You think that PGMOL are going to be allowed, encouraged or rewarded for cautioning a player for his choice of language, that is aimed at himself / team mates? Most of the team would be suspended by the 6th game of the season as would have amassed their 5 yellows, and a lot would have served a suspension for a double YC (one challenge that would be expected + additional C2 from the now miitant offical). If you wish to enforce this through your career please let me know when you have OA appointments so I can see how it goes.

Excuse me being ageist here - you're 14 (as per your profile) and you have got a lot of the world to learn / experience. Life does not follow the rules and laws that people write. It is not black and white, by 50+ shades or grey. I do not know you so yes I "don't know what you may or may not already have been through in life".

One thing I will say though - "proud to be the w*anker in black!" will instantly screw up any first impressions - and not in a good / funny / ironic way. If I had you as an assistant (or I was appointed to assist you) and you said that to me - we're going to have a long 90 mins.
@Padfoot How restrained of you! Are we seeing either a) a new PF in the New Year, b) are you taking the minimal approach or c) taking pity on seeing the same qestion being asked for the billionth time in your nearly 5 years here?
May as well get this out there early on.....

Because as refs move through the promotion system they are encouraged to develop selective hearing and vision to prevent cautions and dismissals which are perceived as 'cheap' by players and clubs.....

Thankyou for giving me a good answer, really appreciated :):)
And don't forget the noise of 20,000+ spectators to drown things out (I take it that's what you probably meant in your OP by 'apart from the obvious...'?). By the way, there's nothing in the laws that says the protest about a decision has to be specifically directed at the referee for it to be an offence. So don't feel a player has to stand toe to toe with you and shout the protest in your face for it to be classed as dissent. However, it's how you handle it that will be the true test of your refereeing skills. Good luck! :)