
Brian Hamilton

RefChat Addict
Three Saturdays without a game, first 2 closed, most was recent weather affected. Took myself to see my team, paid £43 (forty-three) for the privilege. Watched a competent performance from the referee and he got the big decisions right as well as managing an escalating situation to prevent a mass conf.

I have to say though, I remember one of the reasons why I stopped going to watch my team. The fans are so myopic, have no consideration that the referee and his team could be right and even the most obvious decisions (player 4-5 yards offside) are criticised.

Nevertheless 1-0 at home, pressure continues to be exerted on the Blunts and others above us, Christmas soon
A&H International
We’ve suffered with the loss of Coutts (broken leg) and Duffy (3 games) as well as luck has ceased. We hit the post / crossbar 4 times last week, just wouldn’t go in. Never had aspirations for top6 so it’s been great as it’s lasted.
Try being a Toon fan chaps.
Season after season of constant let-down and disappointment.
The last time we won anything in the top flight - I was 3 years old and the competition we won doesn't even exist any more!! :(

None of you know the true meaning of pain. ....
Try being a Toon fan chaps.
Season after season of constant let-down and disappointment.
The last time we won anything in the top flight - I was 3 years old and the competition we won doesn't even exist any more!! :(

None of you know the true meaning of pain. ....

Try supporting a team that not once, but twice blow millions and millions of pounds and end up in a worse place than they were in the first place without much money!

Mate, that's like saying Stanley Matthews and Stan Mortensen are right up there with the likes of Maradonna, Pele and Messi in terms of international appearances/goals. Different eras and different people.
The fact is, Toon, are the only "top-flight" club not to have won a major trophy in almost half a century. The only other team who can compare in any other way is England!! :eek: :wall: :poop:
There are lots of top teams that haven’t won a major trophy for 50 years (including my own).
No team has a devine right to trophy’s, you need money, skill and a bit of Lady Luck. I do remember a certain former late manager of ours scoring a peach in a cup final in 1973 bringing some silverware back to the north east, look at them now!
How does 50,000 deluded fans count as an expectation to win something. History is history and you can’t forget your past glories. Blades took 100,000 to the 1902 cup final at the old Crystal Palace v Spurs but it doesn’t mean that we deserve trophies. Ashley has been magnificent for NUFC whether you think it or not and I’d be careful what you wish for with potential new owners. You haven’t always got 50,000 either, that’s a pretty recent thing after the 80, 90s your crowds were nothing like that! Your big chance was the Keegan era which you blew a big lead, I can’t see a day when you’ll be anywhere near that again. The new PL deal will give the smaller clubs a bigger chance to land marquee players and although I’ve always admired the NUFC away support it doesn’t sign players in this era.
Ashley has been magnificent for NUFC whether you think it or not and I’d be careful what you wish for with potential new owners. You haven’t always got 50,000 either, that’s a pretty recent thing after the 80, 90s your crowds were nothing like that!

You'll find very few NUFC fans who'll agree with you about that ****ney wassick!! :confused:

Toon have regularly had huge gates for over 20 consecutive years mate. Big gates = big money = big spending on big players for most other teams of that ilk. Not so for Toon (and Ashley). As a result, a club with the following and gate receipts the size of Toon, is actually competing on football success terms with the likes of those outside the Premier league. It's not that long ago Toon were challenging for the Premier League title or at the very least a top 4 spot, and playing in The Champions League. That's where the expectation comes from. It's pretty pointless for you to try and make a comparison with Sheffield Utd over a hundred years ago Yorkshire!! Lol.

That was my point, which I'm sure you know anyway. ;)
You'll find very few NUFC fans who'll agree with you about that ****ney wassick!! :confused:
Exactly why I lost my fondness for your lot.
I found the way in which your fan base have conducted themselves to be nothing short of ungrateful.
The last time you got relegated was not Pardews fault. It wasnt Ashleys fault. It was the fans fault imo. The toxic atmosphere that was created by to express the dislike of your owner and his choice of management was the number 1 reason you went down.
Like it or not Ashley has done a lot for your club. Yes he has made money out of you..and yes he'll walk away with a nice juicy profit but thats football now. Its business and thats just how it is these days.l but at he end of the day he has invested lots of money, and made some too, but he has always kept you floating and tried to put right mistakes by providing funds for players etc.
Loads of clubs that would kill to have or have had an owner like Ashley that has managed finances well (blackburn, portsmouth, maybe Leeds to name a few).
My mam is a Geordie so I've heard it all first hand and some of the garbage she has spouted about ashley, which I believe was a representative view, was just pure nonesense.
To bring this thread back on topic for the site... surely the reason that any team gets relegated will have been the fault of one or more referees during the season?
As a Cambridge United fan, I have no sympathy for anyone who supports a side who have played in the PL. Oh I wish we were.
As a Cambridge United fan, I have no sympathy for anyone who supports a side who have played in the PL. Oh I wish we were.

I have no sympathy for any team that haven't been in the PL since 2000 and still think that they are massive either!! They did get a Trophy in 1991, it also made the Rumbelows Employee of the Year very exited to present them with the trophy!! :cool:

Gone are the days when an actual crowd was the main revenue stream for a PL club, they could actually let you in for free and it wouldn't be that bad a loss!!
I have no sympathy for any team that haven't been in the PL since 2000 and still think that they are massive either!! They did get a Trophy in 1991, it also made the Rumbelows Employee of the Year very exited to present them with the trophy!! :cool:

Gone are the days when an actual crowd was the main revenue stream for a PL club, they could actually let you in for free and it wouldn't be that bad a loss!!

Definition of a big club in England: currently playing in the PL! £100m+ tv money sees to that.
Definition of a big club in England: currently playing in the PL! £100m+ tv money sees to that.
100% agree.... success is temporary, class is permanent!!! UTU's
Who wouldn't want a chairman like this mixing with the boyz!!
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How does 50,000 deluded fans count as an expectation to win something. History is history and you can’t forget your past glories. Blades took 100,000 to the 1902 cup final at the old Crystal Palace v Spurs but it doesn’t mean that we deserve trophies. Ashley has been magnificent for NUFC whether you think it or not and I’d be careful what you wish for with potential new owners. You haven’t always got 50,000 either, that’s a pretty recent thing after the 80, 90s your crowds were nothing like that! Your big chance was the Keegan era which you blew a big lead, I can’t see a day when you’ll be anywhere near that again. The new PL deal will give the smaller clubs a bigger chance to land marquee players and although I’ve always admired the NUFC away support it doesn’t sign players in this era.
Think Hull City have signed all the marquee players........they can't play on a pitch no matter how good they are in a circus big top!