Definition of "kicked" to the GK

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Law 12 says an IDFK is awarded when a GK handles a ball which has been kicked deliberately to him by a team-mate. I gave an IFK when the knee was used over the weekend. What is the correct definition of 'kicked'?
A&H International
As long as it's not the foot the keeper can pick the ball up so the knee is fine. (At least you know for next time)
No not really. The ball fell on to the knee so could have looked like it was the foot to many on the field but I was on top of it and it was just the knee made the contact. They did moan later in the game when I send two players packing within 5 minutes but those decisions were definitely right!
I failed to give one when a player put his head to the floor and nudged it back, I didn't miss it, i clearly saw it, but at that time, early on in my career, I wasn't 100% with what to do, so i let it slide. Regretted it after when I realised I could have been a bigger **** than what they already thought I was.... never missed one again!!!
Few times today Law 18 seems to have vacated the building on threads !!
Common sense/general knowledge,knowing the human anatomy....
I am well aware of anatomy unfortunately I gave the decision incorrectly but not unreasonable to think that you kick with your legs. Take swimming for instance, nobody says kick with your feet.
I failed to give one when a player put his head to the floor and nudged it back, I didn't miss it, i clearly saw it, but at that time, early on in my career, I wasn't 100% with what to do, so i let it slide. Regretted it after when I realised I could have been a bigger **** than what they already thought I was.... never missed one again!!!
They probably still moan at you for not being consistent now!😋
I am well aware of anatomy unfortunately I gave the decision incorrectly but not unreasonable to think that you kick with your legs. Take swimming for instance, nobody says kick with your feet.

I think if I was in a brawl I could be, kicked in the chest, or, kneed in the chest, both would be different.
Me thinks some are kicking a man while he is down in this thread. He came on here for advice. Correct advice given. He made a mistake and admitted it. No need to rub it in.


Kicking him? :)
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