Deaf football


RefChat Addict
So I did my first game of deaf football today. A cracking game to be fair. 2-2 with the away side missing a penalty in injury time.

It's an interesting experience. I reffed with a whistle in one hand and a flag in the other, which I raised as well as blowing the whistle for obvious reasons. The quality was very high, with some step 5-6 players and deaf football internationals playing.

Communicating with players is challenging. Some cannot talk, some can. Some are completely deaf and some just have limited hearing but hearing aides are not permitted during the game.

I enjoyed the game and it went well. 3 pens (all pretty straight forward) and 2 yellows. 3 games done this weekend and they've all been great but this is the one I've learnt alot from.
A&H International
Yorkshire Institute for the Deaf and Dumb are acknowledged as being the first ever opponents of the team that became Doncaster Rovers.
The modern day equivalent has usually had good teams which competed in the Doncaster Senior League for many years. These Deaf versus non Deaf matches were interesting encounters! I can personally vouch for that.

Cliff Bastin, Arsenal’s record goal scorer prior to Ian Wright, was reportedly deaf.