Da Screamers


Active Member
Aloha everyone from across the pond. Great site and mahalo for letting me partake.

Da Screamers are the parents, and or coaches, and or previous coaches, and or previous players and or auntie who just like to yell very loudly to kick the ball, push her back, shoot, move, pass, what are you doing out there? These people make it very uncomfortable for a new referee to start their career and it is the very few that last beyond their first year, at least that is how it is here in the US.

I have personally called fans from the sidelines on numerous occasions, from the stands called them out. I have tossed 4 parents from HS games. I am not joking and what I have done is gone on the aggressive side of things in the last year and half and it seems to have been working. I will keep you all up to date and I love this site. Mahalo.
A&H International