Cup Game


Level 7 Referee
HAs just recieved my first cup game appointment for sunday. are there anything you do different in respect to pacing urself in the event of extra time or pens.
A&H International
Well done :)

Nah, treat it as any other game, just remember, a good referee never lets it get to extra time :p
Just hope it doesn't go to extra time :D

Seriously though, i don't do anything different in my preparation. 120 minutes is difficult, but always manage to get thorough it
Still a plum appointment. Nice one!! Let us know how it goes
Well the teams turned up and played some ok football, unfortunately for them the referee didnt! had a shocking game which i can only put down to experience and learn from it. i made some good decisions and made some howlers! but as i say time to look to next week and learn from my mistakes i guess
Like I've said a million times before, we've all been there. The important thing is to not dwell on it and move on for the next game.

As much as I'd like to be perfect 100% of the time I'm not. We all make mistakes, it's just were an easy target when we do
Well it appears I may not have had a game like I thought I had as just got next months fixtures and have been moved from division 3 upto division 1! Happy days :)
I have a district cup game in a couple of weeks! I don't hold out too much for County Cups.. I tend to get a line on them towards the finals :p
Yes hoppy there is something you should do... Tell your assistant to flag for a penalty in the last minute if the scores are tied at a draw lol
ok when u have NAR but not with CAR, think they would let the cat out of the bag if you told them to do that :)
would have been alot easier if they have been but i suppose we learn the hard way the reward is neutrals eventually