County Badge?

Tino Best

RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
Did a cup final on the line the other night and was chatting to the man in the mirror, I mean middle, and he said I should of had a county badge, and I should of received it before my FA I got for qualifying. I didn't even know I needed one, I don't know where to get hold of one and do I need one? Should my FA have issued one to me or do I have request one or buy one. On a second note If I am appointed to a Youth County Cup final should I have a county tie before the game or do I earn it after I have done the game. I have already represented the county at county cup semi finals day and have reffed an intercounty schools game.
A&H International
It largely depends on your county, some are proactive. It took me 3 years to get my county tie. Just in time to not be doing County games anymore(hopefully)
End of my 7th season refereeing, still waiting for a county badge!... Dorset FA don't send out badges, they have an arrangement with a local company to embroider the badge on your shirt if you request. Never enquired/asked for a Hampshire badge.

Personally prefer the 3 lions anyway, no stupid questions along the lines of "Why have we got a Dorset referee when we are Hampshire?" & vise versa! :D
I ended up buying my first lot of county badges. And I got my county tie at the event where we got told our county cup final appointments.
Why would you hope to not do County games anymore?
Because if I am not doing County games it means I have been successful in my promotion. Otherwise I will indeed be wearing my new county tie. But like I say hopefully not
Because if I am not doing County games it means I have been successful in my promotion. Otherwise I will indeed be wearing my new county tie. But like I say hopefully not
I think you still get county games at level 4 and beyond. So will still be needed for county competitions if required by your CFA
Because if I am not doing County games it means I have been successful in my promotion. Otherwise I will indeed be wearing my new county tie. But like I say hopefully not
We have L4's doing some of the more senior county cup games depending on what teams are in them and they are expected to wear a county badge
Summary points for the thread:

1. County FA badges and ties can be bought from the County FA, just email your RDO (although some only give out ties to staff, but your RDO will inform you of that, when you ask to purchase one)
2. County FA badges should be worn in all County (irrespective of level) and FA (when requested by competition rules) competitions
3. I have the FA Decal badge printed on my referee shirt (I not it was called the three lions above). What I suggest doing is having a County badge spare, with velcro. You can buy Velcro which has two strips - you attach one strip to the badge, and the other to your shirt.
Because if I am not doing County games it means I have been successful in my promotion. Otherwise I will indeed be wearing my new county tie. But like I say hopefully not

1. Do you not have a Senior County Cup? I did that for the first time this season. Brilliant experience.

2. I've got my first County Cup Final on Friday. It was reffed by a L4 last year and the year before that. The other 5 OA finals have been reffed by 2 Level 4's - one of which has just got his 3 - 2 Level 3's and finally a FIFA Referee.

3. I think I've done about 10 other games in earlier rounds to help out my County FA when they have been struggling. These raged from U14 to OA.

Finally, don't forget your roots. Refereeing these games got to where you want to be. Don't wish them away
Just to reinforce, as a L4 or above you will be appointed to FA competitions. Unless you have earned the Three Lions badge due to being involved in an FA competition final (or international duty), you must wear a county badge.
Or the competition badge that I hope to be wearing

Have reffed on a number of County games over the last 2 seasons and would be happy to do more.

My post was about the county tie- the leagues I hope to ref in both have their own tie which you are required to don. For lines i will be guided by my referee.
Or the competition badge that I hope to be wearing

Have reffed on a number of County games over the last 2 seasons and would be happy to do more.

My post was about the county tie- the leagues I hope to ref in both have their own tie which you are required to don. For lines i will be guided by my referee.

I don't instruct my assistants what ties to wear, they should be self-explanatory. If you're on a county or FA cup game - always wear a county tie. If you're on a supply league game - the supply league's tie / county tie / if worse comes to worse, any ordinary smart, professional tie. If you're on a contributory league game - ideally an FA tie.
So if my county FA have not given me a county tie a smart tie which matches my shirt will do?
As for county badge get in touch with my RDO?
So if my county FA have not given me a county tie a smart tie which matches my shirt will do?
As for county badge get in touch with my RDO?

Yep! Contact your RDO and try and get one though - no harm in asking, and they are often priced at around £10