Corner retake for real

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
I had a wonderful WTF moment this week.

I’ve been at a youth tournament and I got to run the line for Sporting Lisbon Vs Real Madrid U15s. Cracking quality of course, good crowd... always expect the unexpected.

What I didn’t expect was TheNextXaviAlonso(tm) to quickly take a corner by spotting it a yard outside the arc.

Being a highly focused ninja AR, what did I do? Well, froze in the comms for a start, then started to raise my right hand which didn’t have a flag, quickly put it back down (no one noticed;)), then changed the flag to right hand, flag up, “again” in the comms and signalled the corner... much to the surprise of my American middlesman!

We had the retake and my lord I checked the spot of the ball just like telly and gave wee Xavi a smile.

So, eventually, sold! Rejoice!
A&H International