colour of whistles

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
can you guy give advice and would you say having the same colour whistle as your shirt
A&H International
Makes no difference as far as I'm concerned. I use one black (FAMOA) whistle and one bright orange. Most people I know have a coloured whistle with them
Can I ask what the benefit is of a coloured whistle?

All mine are black, apart from the emergency ACME Tornado on my dive gear, which is bright orange
One gold and one black Fox40 Classic. I also have a green and red Fox40 Sonik Blast and a Pink and Purple Fox40 Classic (for use in womens matches :p)

Personally, I use a coloured whistle as its is one of very few things that we as referees can 'personalise'! I admitt, it is nothing to decision making/match control etc. :)
I agree with Refariiii. I think that because it is one of the only things that you can customise, people use it to their advantage! I love having coloured whistles! Think they look so much better than just plain black!
I have 2 black classics 2 red classics as red is my favourite colour and 2 red soniks
I think I have said this before, but why draw attention to yourself?

Each to their own mind, don't get me wrong!

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Don't see a problem with coloured whistles personally.
My whistles are black. I get very distracted watching other refs with coloured whistles for some reason. Perhaps it was because they were just poor whistles! Cheap Christmas cracker looking things with a horrible peep noise coming from them.

that said in theory a bright orange sonik blast would be awesome...
I used to use an ACME Thunderer when I reffed rugby matches made of metal so it was silver in colour. What a tone that bugger's got! Really easy to get different tones for different offences, short sharp blasts for FK's and long loud ones for penalties for example.