Coach Dismissal


RefChat Addict
I won't go into too many details here as I suspect the coach is likely to try and dispute the dismissal, but please can somebody let me know how to report the dismissal of a coach for threatening behaviour and abusive language on Wholegame? Should it be under non playing non playing participant dismissals or misconduct (or both)? If it makes a difference a red card was shown.

Thanks in advance!
A&H International
I won't go into too many details here as I suspect the coach is likely to try and dispute the dismissal, but please can somebody let me know how to report the dismissal of a coach for threatening behaviour and abusive language on Wholegame? Should it be under non playing non playing participant dismissals or misconduct (or both)? If it makes a difference a red card was shown.

Thanks in advance!
Non playing dismissal.
If it warrants you can accompany it with an extraordinary incident report but be clear that it relates to red card reported under npd.
Non playing dismissal.
If it warrants you can accompany it with an extraordinary incident report but be clear that it relates to red card reported under npd.
Yes While game extraordinary report I’ve just done one I was threatened by a manager put the report in with all details of what he said and done !! The individual who did this to me has got a three month ban it should have been life !in my opinion why should we be threatened ??