Club Points


RefChat Addict
Just a bit of advice sought really.
I have had four games now, but have no idea how the clubs have scored me. Looking in the different leagues' rules, clubs generally have about 5 days max to submit their scores. Do I get informed of these naturally or do I have to ask the refsec. Or are the scores a secret and I don't get to find out.
What are your experiences?
A&H International
It varies from league to league. Generally, you will not know untill you get allocated your level for next season, and you will get an avergae mark. Sometimes CFA/league will give them to you if you ask, but generally theese days, Club Marks are to aid leagues/CFA of a referee's level if he doesn't get assessed + it is a way to make a club feel that they have some sort of 'input' if they fell hard done by.

Generally speaking though, they don't have that much meaning, so I wouldn't get caught up thinking about/looking for them. If you seriously wan't them, then you can try and contact your Fixture Secretary, but I wouldn't bother personally.
From what I gather it's very much the same as Reffariiii. They don't really mean much although fixture secs use them to appoint they do "sometimes" take into account if a team loses 6-0 and have 2 men sent off and they give you 1 above the minimum mark before they have to write a report about you that they are probably suffering from sour grapes and therefore find a common ground on previous marks and the other sides marks.
Slight change of subject here, but do you guys in the UK think it is worthwhile getting the club marks? (Not just personally, but are they a useful reference in general)

We've never had them here, but we had our pre-season coaching night last night, and they have re-designed the match cards for the top two divisions, and some where surprised that there hadn't been space for the clubs to mark the ref.

The response was "It wasn't deemed a valuable mark, we prefer to monitor and assess you ourselves"

I got the impression it had been discussed at length at some point in the past.

Personally, I would quite like to hear what the clubs thought of my performance after the game.
I think in your neck of the woods, coaches are much 'fairer', so I'm guessing club marks would be a better reflection than they are here. I think that club marks would only make a referee gain/lose confidence under false pretences, because if the tea win, you get a high mark, if they don't thn you don't.

Obviously, if there is a consistent number of high/low from all teams, then there is something to go by, buy in general, no. They are good for making the clubs feel as if they have a say, but nothing more.
That's cool, thanks.

Never having been in a structure that gets the team mark it's interesting to get the 'take' on it.

As for 'fairer' coaches - well, not too sure about that! lol We have a few Fergie-wannabes here and it's only the pre-season friendlies!
Don't think I've ever been privy to my club marks, nor have I been bothered about them. I know some ref secs give them out to promotion candidates
Can I ask a question on this.
When appling for 7-6 promotion I'm told I have to achive a good standard of marks for the marking period. How will county know what my standard of marks are? Do leaguie have to submit them? I mean I thinki've done fine but would have a clue if someone has marked me down.
Your County FA will contact your leagues and ask for all club marks, yes.

You won't find out if you've been stitched up, and certainly not by whom!
Generally you need to be around or above your league average to gain promotion.

-Our step 6/7 league provide us with our average club mark and a banding A - D based on club marks at the end of the season, but we do not receive individual marks per game
