The Ref Stop

Junior/Youth Club match reports and coach CARs


Well-Known Member
Dear all,

I just wondered what people thought I should do in response to a rather unusual form of intimidation/undermining. The background is that, on Saturday morning, I had a lively U16s affair, which (just my luck) turned out to be an extremely close, competitive game throughout. Nevertheless, I honestly believe I handled it well. It just so happened that I had officiated the same home team a fortnight earlier, and they had been defeated in the last few minutes by a penalty awarded after a foul by the goalkeeper. This clearly upset them, and yesterday the manager (apparently congenial) came to me before kick off and in our brief he mentioned that I should explain decisions more clearly to his goalkeeper. I took it that this boy had minor cognitive difficulties, which is obviously something useful to draw to a referee's attention. However, almost from kick off, I noticed this manager was much more vocal than I had remembered him. There were so many disputed calls on his side of the pitch, including a penalty claim which I waved away, that towards the end, to my regret, I ignored one 70/30 of which his side was guilty.
That isn't actually the most interesting part; for when I returned home, I checked the club's website and discovered that they had submitted match reports for their last two matches with heavy insinuations against me. Of course, this is water off a duck's back, but I fear it may reinforce a narrative within his team that I am somehow opposed to them. Match control in future may therefore become more difficult.
Finally, I think one of the away coaches (CAR during the match) may have caught wind of this tension, as when returning the flag he accused me of 'dubious' decision-making. I laughed it off at the time because I didn't have a clue to what he was referring and assumed it was his emotional side talking. However, for someone who has effectively agreed to be neutral for the 90 minutes, it was in poor taste. That's the last time I let a coach/manager have any involvement, unless there are no other options.

So, anyway, apologies for the long post. Would any of you let the ref secretary/county know about the reports, or is it just a case of developing a thicker skin and moving on?

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The Ref Stop
If the comments call into question your impartiality and therefore your integrity I would have a word with your RDO explaining clearly what it is you are unhappy about. They should take you seriously and the club may find themselves receiving a phone call or even a charge form the County FA about the posts. Many County FAs have publicised that inappropriate comments on internet forums and club websites can result in clubs being subject to disciplinary action. Maybe this time they can prove it.
Why was you checking their website?

What did you do about the mouthy coach?

Did you ask why the manager wanted decisions explained to his GK?

Match control shouldn't be anymore difficult providing you act in a firm decisive manner from the outset.
If the comments call into question your impartiality and therefore your integrity I would have a word with your RDO explaining clearly what it is you are unhappy about. They should take you seriously and the club may find themselves receiving a phone call or even a charge form the County FA about the posts. Many County FAs have publicised that inappropriate comments on internet forums and club websites can result in clubs being subject to disciplinary action. Maybe this time they can prove it.

Thanks for your reply. I have mentioned it, as I am pretty sure it is against the club's commitment to Respect, though the fact that it doesn't go so far as to question my integrity probably means it cannot be taken further.
Why was you checking their website?

What did you do about the mouthy coach?

Did you ask why the manager wanted decisions explained to his GK?

Match control shouldn't be anymore difficult providing you act in a firm decisive manner from the outset.

Thanks for reply; I was guilty of too much curiosity where the website is concerned!
I mentioned match control only because (theoretically) it could in future put his players against me from kick off. I actually thought it was one of my better games, and the players had very little to say. Thankfully they got on with the match, but as is often the case, the managers were a law unto themselves.

On the subject of the coach, I should have probed the goalkeeper issue a bit more, but it was a few minutes before kick off, and to be honest, I didn't want to get into a conversation. I just reiterated that I would give what I saw and take any actions necessary to be clear--including for the benefit of his goalkeeper--but at the same time firm/decisive.
As for the manager's conduct throughout, it wasn't unbearably hostile, but the constant appeals wore me down. About three times I made a point of addressing all on the touchline, saying I was capable of making the decisions and didn't need any contributions from them the second anything happened. I suppose it made a slight difference, but I shall be more proactive next time.
Ask, tell, remove......that's how I deal with technical areas/coaches.....

Once they get on my nerves enough, they'll get asked to shut up, if they carry on they'll get told to shut up or they'll be leaving.....if they carry on...they leave.
Pretty much anyone on the sideline I just ignore. I'd go mad if I bothered listening to them, the players are bad enough!
Pretty much anyone on the sideline I just ignore. I'd go mad if I bothered listening to them, the players are bad enough!

Can ignore team officials up to a point...but they have a greater responsibility to behave themselves, especially in youth football.
Their behaviour can directly influence their players behaviour so you have to take a firm stand once they become too vocal and/or too persistent.

Coaches have far more potential to affect your match control than spectators so they need to be managed and controlled.
Spectators can largely be ignored.....