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RefChat Addict
Actually seen this on another site.

Can you play advantage when DOGSO ?

If you do and after the ball is dead can you then issue a red card ?
A&H International

This is one incident, slightly different as ball had already crossed the line but lets say for argument sake it had not.

Can Milan player still get a RC or like some have said a YC for US
It can only be a red card where a ogso is denied. In this clip a goal is scored, therefore dogso has not been committed.

LOTG says caution for handball that was an unsuccessful attempt to prevent a goal e.g. the clip you've presented.
No. If a player has an oppprtunity to score then you cannot punish them for dogso, as it hasnt happened, the player has interfered with a promising attack, again a caution offence.

It's important that as a referee you remain aware and only play advantage where one truly exists.
So say last man blatant trip, advantage played player shoots, can this be brought book and RC given ?

I'd suggest only playing an advantage if the striker is going to roll the ball into an empty net (like in the clip above). Then hit a YC for the player. Otherwise, hit the whistle, award the FK/Pen and bin the offender.
This was clarified in the lotg for this year.

3. Disciplinary action – Advantage
Amended text
If the referee plays the advantage for an offence for which a caution / send off
would have been issued had play been stopped, this caution / send off must be
issued when the ball is next out of play, except when for the denial of an
obvious goal-scoring opportunity results in a goal when the player is cautioned
for unsporting behaviour."
If the referee plays advantage for a DOGSO and a goal is scored it is a YC but
technically if no goal results the Law said it should be a RC. This is never applied
and is not seen as ‘fair’ as applying the advantage effectively means that a
goal-scoring opportunity remains; consequently, a YC is the fairest sanction,
whether or not a goal is scored.
Just had a discussion at our RA meeting with the County RDO about this.

As posted above, the law has been clarified this year