Change of cards in friendlies


I used to be indecisive but now i'm not so sure
Level 4 Referee
Are you ever more lenient in friendlies with cards at all? Obviously not for things like VC, dissent etc but for example, if there's a DOGSO outside the box from a legitimate attempt to play the ball which would be a straight red,, are you ever inclined to change this to a yellow dependent on circumstance such as time of the match or scoreline?
A&H International

It doesn’t do anyone any favours by making things up just to be ‘popular’.

I wasn't suggesting it to be a popularity thing. I was wondering whether people would deem it to be counter productive refereeing a one sided 10 v 11 match in terms of fitness levels etc.

Obviously, the safe option is to ref the game as if it were a league game as it's our preseason as well but I was curious to see others opinions
I wasn't suggesting it to be a popularity thing. I was wondering whether people would deem it to be counter productive refereeing a one sided 10 v 11 match in terms of fitness levels etc.

Obviously, the safe option is to ref the game as if it were a league game as it's our preseason as well but I was curious to see others opinions

Send him off but (if its ok to both teams ofc) allow him to be replaced by substitute?
As a rule for friendlies I tell the managers at the start "friendly or not we'll use all the laws of the game otherwise there is no point having a ref"...in practice I am usually much more lenient on yellows and that bit me in the arse this week and I nearly lost control of the match towards the end. If I had got a few more players on a caution I'm sure they would of been more under control at the end. One incident cemented it for me when a defender just tripped an attacker from behind (you know the one where it's borderline a kick it has so little to do with the ball)...I did caution that one and the guy said "oh I didn't think we were doing cards"...obviously I hadn't set out my stall properly.

Lesson learned for me...
As a rule for friendlies I tell the managers at the start "friendly or not we'll use all the laws of the game otherwise there is no point having a ref"...in practice I am usually much more lenient on yellows and that bit me in the arse this week and I nearly lost control of the match towards the end. If I had got a few more players on a caution I'm sure they would of been more under control at the end. One incident cemented it for me when a defender just tripped an attacker from behind (you know the one where it's borderline a kick it has so little to do with the ball)...I did caution that one and the guy said "oh I didn't think we were doing cards"...obviously I hadn't set out my stall properly.

Lesson learned for me...

Good point. Stupidly hadn't thought of that .... It almost gives licence for players to break rules because others have if they go unpunished
Happened to me yesterday, am not shy in admitting. 30 secs in, pass back to goalie is short, striker gets there first, goes round keeper, keeper almost comically grabs strikers waist and pulls him down, in almost a playful way. Even before I got whistle to mouth I have both sets of players going "dont ref" and so on.....thing was, I was not going to.
I gave pen, scored, no issues.
Home team 3-0 up at break, everybody is fine. Away team changed the entire team at ht.. And before you know it, its 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, (the away teams 2nd half team was like streets ahead of the first half team). The home team are tired, fustrated, I have already jumped in quick a few times to defuse things, warned a few of the more aggressive players are not taking kindly to the drubbing, and yip, 15 mins to go, one of them has had enough and boots an away team player as he skips past him, not a single person could or would doubt it was a red card. And yip I did it. Red card....
And you can guess what happens next........"what about the goalie in the first minute" and its coming from everybody...

ok so saw out the remaining time, course manager wants a word at the end.....he has no issues with the red shown to his player but is now wondering why I never showed red to the gk...

hindsight is a wonderful thing of course. I had an uncomfortable last 15 because my actions in the first 30 secs came back to haunt me. Its not just simple enough to say you should have sent the gk off and things would have been straighforward because nobody can predict what happens next. You can only manage whats in front of you in the way you best feel is suitable at the time.
Common sense? I'd say teams play friendlies to train for new season and to test players so why don't give them a change to train with 11 v 11 rather than 10 v 11?
Dem Laws are dem Laws and thou shouldnst breaketh them to haveth a promenade in the park! Ones leg be liftith if you are not careful!
Red card offences are red card offences cup final or friendly I’ll have no different approach with it.

Yellows I’ll be more lenient cut them a bit of extra slack but balance it out if I think they’re taking the p*ss a bit I’ll dish a card or two out to calm things down but generally a friendly should be played in decent spirits anyway I’m yet to play or ref a friendly that has got nasty.

But going back to clear cut reds as Ciley has Pointed out you can’t pick & choose as it could come back to bite u.
Happened to me yesterday, am not shy in admitting. 30 secs in, pass back to goalie is short, striker gets there first, goes round keeper, keeper almost comically grabs strikers waist and pulls him down, in almost a playful way. Even before I got whistle to mouth I have both sets of players going "dont ref" and so on.....thing was, I was not going to.
I gave pen, scored, no issues.
Home team 3-0 up at break, everybody is fine. Away team changed the entire team at ht.. And before you know it, its 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, (the away teams 2nd half team was like streets ahead of the first half team). The home team are tired, fustrated, I have already jumped in quick a few times to defuse things, warned a few of the more aggressive players are not taking kindly to the drubbing, and yip, 15 mins to go, one of them has had enough and boots an away team player as he skips past him, not a single person could or would doubt it was a red card. And yip I did it. Red card....
And you can guess what happens next........"what about the goalie in the first minute" and its coming from everybody...

ok so saw out the remaining time, course manager wants a word at the end.....he has no issues with the red shown to his player but is now wondering why I never showed red to the gk...

hindsight is a wonderful thing of course. I had an uncomfortable last 15 because my actions in the first 30 secs came back to haunt me. Its not just simple enough to say you should have sent the gk off and things would have been straighforward because nobody can predict what happens next. You can only manage whats in front of you in the way you best feel is suitable at the time.

You should have sent the GK off, instead of trying to be Mr Popular......
You should have sent the GK off, instead of trying to be Mr Popular......

Was not and will never aim to be Mr Popular. Am giving an honest appraisal of an incident in a game yesterday. I was doing what I felt was best for the task in hand (and yes before you say it, i disregarded the LOTG) in the exact same way that we permit rolling subs when required, not fussed if player does not have exact gear on, wont do an undergarment check, no interest in whether we have corner flags, make it clear we are looking for a troublesome player to be subbed, call it short at the end if its 10-0 and everybody wants to go home.... and so on....
Big difference between trying to be Mr Popular, and, trying to be Mr Sensible.
Sending that gk there and then does nothing other than prove I know the LOTG. Which I dont need to prove to anybody
Are you ever more lenient in friendlies with cards at all? Obviously not for things like VC, dissent etc but for example, if there's a DOGSO outside the box from a legitimate attempt to play the ball which would be a straight red,, are you ever inclined to change this to a yellow dependent on circumstance such as time of the match or scoreline?
Never change your referee style. It'll come back to bite you early in the season.
Common sense? I'd say teams play friendlies to train for new season and to test players so why don't give them a change to train with 11 v 11 rather than 10 v 11?

I know where you're coming from, but if you ask your county they'll (probably) tell you to treat it as a league match with the exception of substitutions. (There's no harm in asking them though if you'd like.)

hindsight is a wonderful thing of course.

Sounds like a damned if you, damned if you don't scenario really. Send off the keeper and they'd be having you for ruining the game probably!
I know where you're coming from, but if you ask your county they'll (probably) tell you to treat it as a league match with the exception of substitutions. (There's no harm in asking them though if you'd like.)

Sounds like a damned if you, damned if you don't scenario really. Send off the keeper and they'd be having you for ruining the game probably!
I've been refereeing friendlies from clubs in Step 5 and 6 leagues. They expect and want the LOTG implemented to the full.

Sunday league teams will accuse you of ruining a game for showing a red.

Pick your friendlies carefully, ensuring you will get somethingout of the game too. The game is as much your pre-season as everyone elses on the FOP.
I’ve double carded in the first minute of game... 50 seconds to ignore my warnings and reputation is pretty thick!
I know where you're coming from, but if you ask your county they'll (probably) tell you to treat it as a league match with the exception of substitutions. (There's no harm in asking them though if you'd like.)

I think here in Finland, and with the level of matches I officiate, if teams are ok with it, no one really cares.

Althought I don't really like the"cos I was a player I officiate my matches certain way" bs ( because I officiate my matches like the laws want me to, not how players want me to), I make an exception here. I have always been pretty bad player, and didn't get that much playing time and friendlies were one of the few games I could get some proper minutes. I remember one match were I sit on the bench for like first 25 minutes and then my coach told me to go warming up and I was enthusiastic as f'ck to get finally some minutes. But then our striker got a red card and oops no minutes for me then. So especially in some younger ages I'd just let them keep playing with eleven players, cos I'm happy, even if doing against the LOTG, if some kid gets some valuable minutes on the pitch. That for me is "what football expects".