Cards - Which ones do you use and how do you keep them clean?


New Member
Hi Guys,

Just wondered what type of cards everyone uses (red/Yellow) ones and how you keep them clean?

Got a few different sets at the moment from Fifa, Cheap ones and A&H ones. Just ordered a set from Refsworld as well but can't decide on the best ones.

I also struggle to keep them fresh without geting scuffs and marks on them so wondered how you guys clean if you do?

A&H International
I use refsworld cards, with two bits of masking tape on the back of them for writing down cautions etc,

They never really get dirty,,, but at £1.60 they are that cheap just buy a new set every few months
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I have the big ones from FIFA, I laminated them with sticky back plastic to keep them fresh and use a Powertank pen to write on them. It writes on nicely and rubs off with a wet wipe and elbow grease.
Using a set I picked up from a Basic Course I tutored on a few years ago. It's held together with sellotape and the cards look battered but it's not important is it? If I'm a poor referee with flashy cards, it doesn't make me a better referee. Similarly if I'm Michael Oliver's clone with rubbish cards, it doesn't make me a worse referee.