Cards on Profiles


Well-Known Member
After searching through the site I can't help but notice the number of people who choose to document the number of reds/yellows they have brandished throughout the season. Although this may not be intentional it comes across as people wanting to boast about the number they have given. This gives off a bad impression to the general public who consequently see referees to be 'card happy' if they appear to be gaining such enjoyment by giving cards. Personally I suggest those guilty of this remove it and keep such figures to themselves.

I am of course open to others opinions but in my eyes it is highly unprofessional and is something we are told not to talk about on such site by my county FA.
A&H International
That's your choice then not to display it, it seems to be a fairly common thing across this and other refereeing forums, as long as no names of players, or teams are displayed then im happy. I personally don't see a problem, some may see it as a way of tracking them

If others aren't happy, then ill go about removing signatures completely, as ill be buggered if im editing them one by one
The general public? Here on a referee forum? I cannot think of anything more repellant to the uneducated (on the laws of the game that is) football loving masses! ;)

That has given me a great idea for a dating agency though! Ref date! For those who fancy referees and want hook ups! A bit like that uniform dating dot com thing, but more specialised!

Nonsense aside, it is an interesting point you make but I don't have any strong feeling on the subject either way. I just subconsciously ignore them.

I have never seen anyone on here boast about numbers of cards or anything of that nature which would be out of order.
I think the general public would love to see how many cards the refs on this forum give seeing as how every Saturday parents and coaches are calling for players, many as young as 11/12, to be booked/sent off for the slightest bit of contact :mad:

As for the topic, I have no problem with it - in fact, it's interesting to see the different approaches taken to handing out cards. I, for one, try keep them in my pocket but if card happy Joe wants to tell the world then fair do's :)
I don't see a problem as long as no teams or names are mentioned.
Pierluigi makes a valid point. But I shouldn't think refs are particularly "card happy." Each one I issue saddens me a little as it means that players are not playing fairly.
Pierluigi makes a valid point. But I shouldn't think refs are particularly "card happy." Each one I issue saddens me a little as it means that players are not playing fairly.
On that topic - 43 reds in 5 games? :eek:
one I issue saddens me a little as it means that players are not playing fairly.

You have gone a little cantona right there! I am half expecting you to start waxing lyrical about seagulls etc!
I don't really see a problem with it. For me, I'm a stats person and I like to know what I've done in terms of matches, cards and penalties over the season and the site allows me to keep track. Nobody knows who I am, nor do I post players names or teams so there's no issue as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not sure how you surmise that those of us who post those stats are "card happy" or take any pleasure in booking players. You'll do well to find a ref on this forum who enjoys booking players, it's a part of the job that refs don't particularly like. What exactly are we 'guilty' of?

You're entitled to your opinion of course and it's an interesting point you raise :)
in fairness the two that i've spotted in this thread - Joshua and Matthew - both have ratios of less than one card per match
I have averaged just under 3 cautions per game throughout my 14 years as a referee and one dismissal every 5 games. I'm not boastful, it's a reflection of the type of game my refereeing style "attracts". I have always been sent to do "difficult" games. My stats say nothing about me except that I am consistent.
For me, it's a pride thing - not a card count.

Fewer cards per game is my goal, using management, where possible and without the tracker, I can't ...well...keep track lol.

Proud of a low card-per-game ratio!

Mind you, everything's been zeroed for the new season now......
This bothered me too @Pierluigi. When I first came to this forum I worried about it. I sometimes post about the cards I have given but that is mainly for opinions on whether I got it right or not. I too can't understand why people seem to "boast" about the number that I have given. There have even been some threads created about the number of cards people have given :eek:
I've lost count on how many yellows I've had And I've had 1 red but it was a mandatory and could had another but chose to give player the benefit of the doubt
Thanks for agreeing @HullRef

I'm afraid I disagree with a lot of the content that has been posted on this topic. Posting your card count tells us nothing about your refereeing style or ability. A high card count could show you to be a highly capable referee appointed to the toughest of derbies where man management can become useless and a high card count becomes inevitable or simply a 'card happy' referee with poor man management skills. Equally a low card count could show a referee with good man management skills or a lazy referee who can't be bothered with the additional paperwork.

@Brian Hamilton an average (especially a mean) does not mathematically show consistency. For all we know you could have given 6 yellows one game then none in the next. That does not mean I don't see you as consistent but rather that there is no way from telling from such a stat. The only way you can tell if a referee is consistent is by watching them.

@haywain I would like to point out that it is not the select group who publish these stats but statisticians who will quite frankly publish anything. I am sure if it was up to the referees themselves they would't feel the need to publish it to prove their abilities. Looking at the list does Howard Webb have the lowest card count? No. Is he statistically the best referee? Yes.

I obviously have no problem with someone keeping track of your card count but I question the need to publish it.