CAR Brief


Level 4 Referee
Morning folks,

Just been informed im being observed for the third time tomorrow, my question is, for the first time the observer has specifically asked to be there when I brief my CARs, has anyone got any advice what hes hoping to hear?
A&H International
Just give your normal pre match instructions. The observer is there to see your normal refereeing performance - trying to do anything just to please them may backfire on you. If he/she has any recommendations about changes, they will be done in the de-brief after the game.
NAR briefs are easier as you are working with fellow referees. They will also be at the ground at an agreed time beforehand so you can plan when you will deliver the briefing should an Observer wish to be present to hear it. In my experience CARs are sometimes only "selected" just before ko. They are either a regular volunteer or a reluctant player who has to start as sub. I ask for whoever the CAR is to come in at the coin toss, this allows the skippers to hear my instructions to them, so when the players moan about something they can explain what it is I have asked for. I tend to ask them to focus on ball in and out of play for throw ins/goal kicks and corners. I will go with them unless I think they have missed a clear deflection. I advise that they are to leave all the on field decisions to me. Fouls and misconduct etc. Finally, offsides, the biggest cause for acrimony. I remind them to be sure and wait, no quick flags and if I think they have made an error I will overrule. Then send them on their way. If they change CAR's your Observer would expect to see you go over and give a briefing to the replacement.
Keep it simple, as they will not know the good book like we do. Since in your area they are allowed to do offsides, maybe a gentle reminder to stick to the second last defender and to delay the flag as much possible till they are sure that the person who is in a offside position is actively involved in play (either by touching the ball, gaining an advantage or influencing the actions of a nearby defender). Onto throw ins tell them what do you want them to provide you just in/out or direction as well? with NAR and CARs i usually explain that in their half I will support them 99% and will only overrule them if I've seen a touch they haven't (or i think they are blatantly cheating) I explain that especially infront of the dugouts (ie central area) and other half to follow my lead in terms of direction but to simply put the flag up if the ball has gone out of bounds and i missed it.

Hope that helps. Oh and finally I usually tend to ask them to join me at the coin toss, where i tell the captains to respect the CARs as all times and that I will support them all the way and any dissent towards them will count as dissent towards me and will be dealt with accordingly. It also sets the tone and hopefully gets the CARs on your side as they believe they are part of your team now!
Keep it simple.... don’t over complicate things or else it will go in one ear and out of the other!
I had some good advice from an observer last year on this - do it at the coin toss with the captains present. That way the teams hear what you expect from the CAR. What you expect them to do (in my area anyway) is largely up to you (endless debates on here if you search for it). For me it’s

- thanks for the help (subs don’t like running the line so a thanks is always nice)
- most important job is to please help me if the whole ball has gone over the line. If you’re absolutely sure its a GK/Corner kick / which way the throw should go have a look at me and signal for it. If you honestly don’t know just leave your flag straight up and I’ll decide.
- Offsides - help if me if you can. Try to Stay in line with the second last defender if you can’t keep up go ahead and stay a bit deeper towards the goal line rather than running all the way up the line. Couple quick things... it’s not an offense to be standing offside. If they are offside when it’s played to them from a teammate and they play the ball or gain an advantage by being in that position - that’s offisde. If that happens and you’re in a good position put the flag straight up and I’ll go with your call...if i wave you off don’t be offended, it’s a complicated law and it’s because you either were behind play or something complicated happended.
- Fouls, handballs, penalty shouts etc. Please don’t get involved in any way on those incidents. I’ll take those decisions and if you think I’ve got them wrong you can let me know after.
- run your own leftbacks
- thanks again.

Simple / quick. none of the other stuff we would do with NARs about area of credibility, mass con, penatly decisions, pointing downstairs, etc. It has helped me countless times when an incident happens with the CAR i look at the captain and say “I covered this with you at the coin toss” etc.
CAR Instructions:

1) Ball out of play please, whole of the ball across the whole of the line
2) Fouls & Misconduct are mine at all times, even if you have seen something you think i've missed, please do not flag for it
3) Offside, beyond second last defender at the time the ball is played and OBVIOUSLY interfering with play
Any tips on what wording to use to emphasise to CAR's that they should wait for interference? I've had to "overrule" a few slightly too quick flags recently, so I'm obviously not making that point clearly enough.
Any tips on what wording to use to emphasise to CAR's that they should wait for interference? I've had to "overrule" a few slightly too quick flags recently, so I'm obviously not making that point clearly enough.

I never tell them to wait for interference, but I tell them to wait until they’re sure that the player is off side.

Using the explanation that I can disallow a goal, but can’t award one if they flag too early and I stop play.
This is mine, make of it what you will - take it, ignore, disagree!

'Thanks for doing this for me. Own left back, help me out with in/out of play - throw ins, corners & goal kicks. Nice clear signals please. Most of the time I will go with you, but I may overrule if I see something that you haven't - happy to talk about it afterwards. Offsides - we could be here all day, so will keep it simple - I only want a flag if ball is near the offside player or he plays it. If ball on one side of the field, player on the other then I don't want offside. When you raise your flag, I will do 3 things, blow my whistle (obviously) which I will do most of the time, if I disagree I will raise my hand, please put flag down - again happy to discuss afterwards - if I miss you, do give me a shout. Leave anything else - fouls, foul throws, misconduct to me. If anyone says anything to you, let me know & I'll have a word with them. Thanks for doing this for me.'