Caffeine, something to be aware of

A&H International
Effectively 4 pints of red bull or relentless a day every day? That's not the caffeine that's to blame, it's a ridiculous lifestyle choice.
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Build up of toxicity got him. Doesn't mention if he had a reaction which is mentioned in the medical part of the article.

I remember reading about a junior doctor years ago who worked out how much caffiene it would take to kill him and followed through with it. Sad.
I can speak about this from personal experience. I had a heart attack over the summer and was admitted to one of the best cardio hospitals in Europe. I drink a large amount of coffee and asked a doctor there if that may have been a problem, and he said no. (Coffee was allowed in however much quantities you wanted it in the hospital!) Apparently caffeine itself is not too much of a risk, unless you have it by the gallon, but more the way its processed and put into energy drinks, i.e. coffee is fine and would be difficult to 'overdose' on unless you put your mind to it, but energy drinks are a nightmare. There are a few cases of students pulling all nighters to do an essay or whatever, they sue redbull to keep awake and go into cardiac arrest.

Out of interest, how many here drink carbonated energy drinks / non carbonated energy drinks before/during/after a match?

A very sad story.
The only time I drink energy drinks is prior to kick off or at half time (at football that is) cricket is a different story though!!
Bit harsh @Reffariiii but each to their own I suppose. In all seriousness, I'm a wicket keeper so I've got one at each end of the ground for the whole innings.
I regularly have a red bull prior to a game but tend to go for sugar free variants in some rubbish attempt to limit the badness knowing it's full of other rubbish. A guy I worked with whilst I was based in Bristol used to work as a DJ in the nights and his desk was full of them, used to see at least 4-5 cans on his desk all the time.

I used to always drink vodka red bulls when out on the town but stopped when I started getting palpitations and irregular heart beats as I would easily knock back quite a few of them without blinking. Laying in bed with my heart going mental was enough to scare me off overdoing them.
Caffeine has been identified as the most likely contributory factor to my current medical condition - atrial fibrillation aka palpitations. Controlled by tablets for high blood pressure and a beta blocker
Caffeine has been identified as the most likely contributory factor to my current medical condition - atrial fibrillation aka palpitations. Controlled by tablets for high blood pressure and a beta blocker

I suffer from the same and although ive not visited the quacks to find out why, im 100% sure it is caffeine related too.
I can speak about this from personal experience. I had a heart attack over the summer and was admitted to one of the best cardio hospitals in Europe. I drink a large amount of coffee and asked a doctor there if that may have been a problem, and he said no. (Coffee was allowed in however much quantities you wanted it in the hospital!) Apparently caffeine itself is not too much of a risk, unless you have it by the gallon, but more the way its processed and put into energy drinks, i.e. coffee is fine and would be difficult to 'overdose' on unless you put your mind to it, but energy drinks are a nightmare. There are a few cases of students pulling all nighters to do an essay or whatever, they sue redbull to keep awake and go into cardiac arrest.

Out of interest, how many here drink carbonated energy drinks / non carbonated energy drinks before/during/after a match?

A very sad story.

I have a few sips of energy drink before game,a long with half a glucose tablet. The other half of tablet and few more sips at half time.

Finish the drink with a chocolate bar walking back to my car afterwards.
i drink lucazade sport (orange) prematch which does not contain caffiene as far as I can tell. Water afterward.
Water all the way for me. Exception being when I have a morning game followed by an afternoon one. Then, I'll drop a hydration tablet in the water for the morning game (Zero 20 or Nuun would be my choice) and follow up with a protein recovery shake after match 2 if I've a game on the following day.
I only drink coffee (espresso doppio) Monday to Friday. Just the one a day on the way to work and never drink caffeinated drinks after midday (tea/coffee, no longer drink these Red Bull-style drinks). I try to take on 2 litres of water every day and don't touch alcohol unless it's the weekend.

It might seem a bit sad but I've lost weight, feel fitter, have more energy, sleep better and I'm happier for it.
I only ever have water.

Used to have energy drinks, but aside from making me feel tired they don't have any impact.

Back to the OP, a very sad story. Unfortunately this kind of thing appears to be happening much more regularly than it used to.