Busy period coming up and first welsh ladies prem middle


The avuncular one
With the backlog of matches thanks to the crazy weather of January I have a busy period coming up. Welsh league youth line tonight, local division 3 match tomorrow evening on a crazy hill. Saturday another local league match at the same place followed by a welsh ladies prem match in the middle on the Sunday. Will then be brought back down to earth with a local league bottom division game with 2 teams for whom the season is now over. Still awaiting fixtures after that.

First welsh ladies prem middle for me. Very excited. It'll be my first game with NARs also. I did a ladies prem line at the same pitch earlier in the season which I enjoyed, so this is something I am looking forward to.
A&H International
I saw that Ben, best of luck for it as well. I did a line at NCE last Sunday, lovely place to go shame about 1 of the AR's though...
Thanks mate. Should be good, I have 2 great Pembs refs with me so should be good. Just hope the pitch is in good condition.

Where is it posted (the referee assignments for ladies matches)?
I had an email of Lucy Kelly and you were listed. Pitch isn't in the greatest of conditions, lots of diverts and bobbles for the ball to hit.
Nice, you don't have GE with you at the ladies game do you? Did you have any dramas with the late with your evening pemb county game the other day?

I have three in the next three days. Line for an Army game tomorrow, daily easy middle on Saturday and Welsh League Youth game at Carmarthen on Sunday.
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He is with me for the ladies prem game. He wasn't on the county game, it's was HR - although GE was at the game as a spectator. What dramas? Lol what do I need to expect? :)

My Saturday game is now a top of divison 2 game - much better game and hopefully another assessment.

That said, still waiting patiently for my assessment mark from last Saturday......
He is with me for the ladies prem game. He wasn't on the county game, it's was HR - although GE was at the game as a spectator. What dramas? Lol what do I need to expect? :)

Well there was a GP on one of Matty's games local to me in D2, and the person in question apparently flagged for offside, matty missed it and the person put the flag down while sed team were still attacking and they nearly scored. Little to say matty apparently went ape s**t! Best of luck anyway and make sure you go back to the club pub for post match food, can't go wrong!
It was cawl last time I went there. Lovely.

I did get an email about the game it went to my junk email folder. Noticed it earlier.
It's really annoying for me because I've got my exams now so I can't do as many games as I would have done if they were played when they were supposed to be played in January/February. :mad:
Lol plenty of time mate, plenty of time! You have many years of refereeing ahead of you.

My remaining time, however, is significantly shorter! :)
It's really annoying for me because I've got my exams now so I can't do as many games as I would have done if they were played when they were supposed to be played in January/February. :mad:

Same, it's really annoying as I'm having to close a few dates to give myself more time to prepare. I also can't really do any games in May as that's during exams, and I'll miss out on some of the May/June summer tournaments that I did last year that were fun :(
I know they are Dan, it's just that I find going out, refereeing and earning money a lot more enjoyable than sitting at home on a Sunday morning looking at a gcse chemistry revision guide!
I know they are Dan, it's just that I find going out, refereeing and earning money a lot more enjoyable than sitting at home on a Sunday morning looking at a gcse chemistry revision guide!
Correct, they are.
Fancy spending your working career at McDonald's? Trust me, the joys & highs of refereeing will come, you don't want to mess up your GCSE's!
I too have them coming up, but I find refereeing does me good! I have a clear head for them, don't concentrate on school work and works wonders for me - means I'm not stuck doing revision all the time!
Bah! Today's match has been pulled due to the rain and mud. Oh well, just have to watch the Liverpool match and have a couple of beers instead... Life is so unfair :)
Not surprised. NCE struggles badly with water logging on a good day. My WPWL game was on in Port Talbot, pitch was excellent in the GenQuip Stadium.
PTT against Cardiff Met Uni. You can guess what happened. One boring half and one busy half. Oh and 1 penalty for a late ankle rake given by myself.