Busy July!

Steve C

The Unfit one!
Got a charity cup on saturday, group stages and knockouts like the ever surprising WC yet I am the only ref allocated... oh deary me!

21st sees me travel to St Georges Park for the National Football Futures and Leadership programme (as I'm Liverpool County FA's male rep)for 2 days then the 2 days after its a specialist refereeing course for me at St Georges also so a nice 4 days away with decent facilities

Then the day after I return from St Georges, I go to Bolton for 3 days to officiate in the English International Super Cup! Oh my! After my last game there, I get picked up by the girlfriend and family for 4 days canoeing and stuff in the lakes then im in Mallorca for 2 weeks! Oh my word!

Regular Updates obviously!
A&H International
Just the small matter of a 2 day youth tournament and two friendlies involving Southern League sides for me... pales in comparison really!
Haha ive been wanting so many friendlies and stuff but there just hasnt been any at all haha!
Might pop over to SGP over those 2 days if I'm free. I live about a 10 minute drive away!!
Nice! Would be good but its invite only :/ you had to be picked to do it by your County FA :/