Bradford v Crawley


Arran Williams

having seen the footage of the mass brawl at the end of the match, i cannot see why Bradford boss Phil Parkinson is complaining about the referee sending off his players after entering the dressing room and calling them out. surely they will now only serve 3 match bans for their red cards rather than face video evidence/ tribunal which can decide the bans should the referee have said he couldn't tell who did what.

A&H International
Wow! First I'd seen or heard of this! Judging by this evidence, I'd like to think they'd serve more than 3 match bans.
P.P. didnt complain about the referee, we have not appealed the cards and the club will punish internally when FA have concluded their investigation. Having seen and and all the various news clips and local paper pics I think Ian Williamson was spot on with his decisions and just hope that the FA dont dock us points as that would basically be the end of BCFC - but we will only have ourselves to blame.
I have never been in a situation before where the referee has come into the dressing room, pulled players On one side and sent them off. he wouldnt allow me in there
Fair play to him though about the comments after that though