BPM in a match


New Member
Level 7 Referee
For those of you that use some sort of heart rate monitoring during games, what would you expect an average heart rate in a match to be? Trying to determine how much I trust my Polar at the moment....
A&H International
Saturday's WL game bpm averages:

1st half - 143 average / 163 max

2nd half - 147 average / 166 max

Not the most physically taxing of games, but not abnormal numbers.

BPMs on their own only tell a part of the story. I prefer to look at 0.5 km chunks of data - speeds/bpm data/where I was on the pitch and what was going on at the time. Can be interesting.
Prem Development line today, whole match: 173 average / 140 min / 200 max.....

Wasn't sprinting every two seconds, wasn't particularly struggling to catch breath. Max speed 16.3 km/h, Distance 4.03 km.

Just wondering about accuracy with the HR sensor. I know the distance has to be taken with a pinch of salt on the M400
I use the FitBit Surge for all round lifestyle monitoring. It knows exactly what I have eaten, how much I have slept and my calorie outgoing including my basal metabolic rate. I wear it 24-7. I've always had quite a low heart rate, although if I'm honest that doesn't reflect my fitness, my fitness is average. During a match my heart rate is usually in the 140's. The heart rate sensor is accurate on the FitBit Surge. An example of some of the data I get. My last supply line I covered 4.39km and had an average heart rate of 146. The other week in the middle on the Sunday league I covered 7.98km and had an average heart rate of 139. My resting heart rate is 50.
I have a m400. The hr sensor is pretty much spot on when compared to other devices I have used. your max bpm will be higher than mine due to age (200 would be around your max bpm when roughly worked out from your age). Your readings do still seem a little on the high side though. What is your resting BPM? Use the m400 fitness test function to get a watch based reading.

The GPS, however, is woefully inaccurate on the m400. Your speed and distance sound way off. Max speed of 16.3 km/h is a fast jog and you would be noticeably way behind play at Dev league level if that was true. Distance wise you would expect at least 2.5 km per half or more depending on the pitch size and nature of the game. This is why I only use the m400 for indoor work or steady pace outdoor stuff - it updates so slowly that it's massively inaccurate with its GPS. It's a known issue with the m400.
Well my resting heart rate seemed to be around 73 last night (HR sensor seemed accurate enough when physically taking my pulse) but I haven't used the fitness test since October so I think another is due. I've been looking to go for a V800 for a while, just waiting for the funds....hopefully before Paris!
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BPM is ok, but in my younger pre-smoking days when I was fit enough to run a 9 minute mile and a half the results were always very high, even on a steady state run.

I'm involved in a steady at the local uni and when on the treadmill I have to wear 2 heart rate monitors so they can get more accurate results.
In my peak fitness days I was able to manage 7m miles and even pushed as hard as 6m15s. Now it's around 12m lol.

As for average HR, my resting is around 54 (when I don't have a cold/cough). Yesterday's game 6.9km, average 103, max 128.
Average pace 3.7km/h (all about being in the right place without looking hurried), max 15.2 (had a few of them).
This morning I felt fine and went to the gym tonight. 10 mins on the bike completing 5km on level 5, 25 mins of interval running 1 off, 2 on at 8.5km/h and 1%% incline. Felt more tired after 3km at that pace lol.

In summary, one set of figures in isolation tell you nothing. Patterns and trends matter more.
In my peak fitness days I was able to manage 7m miles and even pushed as hard as 6m15s. Now it's around 12m lol.

As for average HR, my resting is around 54 (when I don't have a cold/cough). Yesterday's game 6.9km, average 103, max 128.
Average pace 3.7km/h (all about being in the right place without looking hurried), max 15.2 (had a few of them).
This morning I felt fine and went to the gym tonight. 10 mins on the bike completing 5km on level 5, 25 mins of interval running 1 off, 2 on at 8.5km/h and 1%% incline. Felt more tired after 3km at that pace lol.

In summary, one set of figures in isolation tell you nothing. Patterns and trends matter more.

Resting heart rates are a weird thing, I've found people of all fitness levels with various resting heart rates.
I have a resting heart rate of about 62 and my average during a game is somewhere in the region of 110. I've used a couple of different HRM's this season including a fitbit watch and an adidas micoach HRM.
In my peak fitness days I was able to manage 7m miles and even pushed as hard as 6m15s. Now it's around 12m lol.

As for average HR, my resting is around 54 (when I don't have a cold/cough). Yesterday's game 6.9km, average 103, max 128.
Average pace 3.7km/h (all about being in the right place without looking hurried), max 15.2 (had a few of them).
This morning I felt fine and went to the gym tonight. 10 mins on the bike completing 5km on level 5, 25 mins of interval running 1 off, 2 on at 8.5km/h and 1%% incline. Felt more tired after 3km at that pace lol.

In summary, one set of figures in isolation tell you nothing. Patterns and trends matter more.
4.1k on the line today. Avg hr 99bpm, max 126bpm. More worried about sunburn than bpm today :)
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4.1k on the line today. Avg hr 99bpm, max 126bpm. More worried about sunburn than bpm today :)
I was quite low on the BPM today, didn't seem an easier game I think it may be just some of the training paying off.

First game was 4.36 miles and 117 BPM and my second was 4.46 miles and 125 BPM.
I usually average more to the 140-150 range.

In my first game at one stage I glanced at my watch and it said a HR in the 70's which was kind of good as it made me question whether I was starting to sit back and get a bit too relaxed. As it happened it was just a very one-sided period of the game involving a few corners and my HR tends to drop to resting levels quite fast, so I started adjusting a few things so I didn't get too relaxed. Makes it a much harder task to keep up to speed if you've let yourself get down to a resting HR.
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Incredibly my normal average HR is around 145 and peaks at 210!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should probably get that checked out.

My resting heart rate varies from 70-110 as well.

Fitness wise however I can do
  • 100m in <13.5 seconds
  • 1 mile in 6.5 minutes
So not sure the heart rate necessarily correlates to your fitness. Probably OK as a rough guide but you ask a doctor if someone with a resting pulse of 100 could do 100m in 13.5 seconds they'd probably laugh their tits off
Incredibly my normal average HR is around 145 and peaks at 210!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should probably get that checked out.

My resting heart rate varies from 70-110 as well.

Fitness wise however I can do
  • 100m in <13.5 seconds
  • 1 mile in 6.5 minutes
So not sure the heart rate necessarily correlates to your fitness. Probably OK as a rough guide but you ask a doctor if someone with a resting pulse of 100 could do 100m in 13.5 seconds they'd probably laugh their tits off

My resting HR is sub-60 which is a bit on the low side. My in-match HR is about 130-150, more often 140's. Peaks at around 160-180.
Incredibly my normal average HR is around 145 and peaks at 210!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should probably get that checked out.

My resting heart rate varies from 70-110 as well.

Fitness wise however I can do
  • 100m in <13.5 seconds
  • 1 mile in 6.5 minutes
So not sure the heart rate necessarily correlates to your fitness. Probably OK as a rough guide but you ask a doctor if someone with a resting pulse of 100 could do 100m in 13.5 seconds they'd probably laugh their tits off
Probably wouldn't hurt to have a check up based on what you have posted mate. Monitoring heart rate can occasionally flag up a need for consulting with a gp.

Probably nothing, but better safe Than sorry.

@YorkshireReferee - I'm pretty much in line with that.
When I first started 'analysing' my refereeing, I was still playing and was seriously fit. Resting HR rate was 50-52 and rarely did my HR get above 160, even when going hell-for-leather in the gym! It's a strange body function that no-one understands!
Mine can go very high. On a semi-pro game this season I averaged 160 and peaked at 184, but on a local Sunday league game I averaged 123 and maxed at 147. Distances in those two games weren't that different (9.1 vs 7.8km) and I just think it is the extra pressure and workload when the games are more difficult raises the HR.