Bournemouth Disallowed goal

Steve C

The Unfit one!
Just thought id throw something in the mixer here, red tinted glasses off.

New rule this year: anyone caught simulating or trying to get another player sent off = auto 3 match ban.

Because lovren simulated the contact from Elphick trying (and succeeding on disallowing the goal) which drastically changed the outcome of the game and possibly AFCBs season given that points arent easy to come by, should he serve a suspension?

I can see arguments for and against but i think something should be done because its unsporting behaviour?
A&H International
Lol bit harsh - It was a borderline foul on Lovren by Elphick - he did have his hands on his shoulders and held him down. Silly of him to do it really as you see these given more often than not. Easy to spot for a ref amongst the throng of pushing and pulling that make up the dark arts of defending set peices.

Lovren certainly made the most of it, no argument there, but I wouldn't classify it as simulation. Not by a long way.

As for the rest of your argument; this is football. Get used to it!
Id say no foul there, otherwise every aerial battle would be a foul one way or another, lovren was in no mans land, realised it and simulated more contact than there was trying to draw the foul

It just amazes me at how that was given a foul yet in the box Skrtel wrestling steve cook to the ground like some sort of Slovakian WWE match didnt warrent a penalty?
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I agree about the wrestling of attackers by defenders (not just skrtel there are loads who are guilty of this) at piece. There is no sense in what defending players seem to get away with when attacking players at set piece do get pinged for far less.
I for one am a little harsh with this sort of thing, I tend to give a blow of the whistle (prior to kick taking) and warn everyone in the box to pack it in - but I do tend to slide to the harsher side - if this means I give 10 penalties a game, then so be it!

as for the challenge, I agree with you both ... I feel a 3 match ban for simulation is harsh, specially as Lovren could argue that he didn't intentionally cheat the ref, he was just ducking out the way and it was down to the ref to decide - but yes it was a clear no foul!

rematch with a different ref?
Id say no foul there, otherwise every aerial battle would be a foul one way or another, lovren was in no mans land, realised it and simulated more contact than there was trying to draw the foul

It just amazes me at how that was given a foul yet in the box Skrtel wrestling steve cook to the ground like some sort of Slovakian WWE match didnt warrent a penalty?
The usasoccerguy (search Twitter) calls him Martin Shirtpull. Kind of appropriate really.
Anyway, the jostling in the penalty area is nigh on impossible to adjudicate. On Sunday, I had a Blue (v Red) corner from the left. I could see a 50/50 jostle at the front post which subsided so, I switched my view to the back post as the corner was taken. I then saw a push on the Blue attacker but as I was bringing whistle to mouth, another Blue attacker get his head to the ball and scored. I saw no foul by Blue so the goal stood but there was 3 incidents in a matter of seconds and only because they were in my eye line.
The joys of refereeing!

It's the one thing about the modern game that drives me mental. The perception certainly is that "chellanges" by attackers on defenders are dealt with whilst most wrestling/rugby challenges by defenders is ignored.

No doubt the Bournemouth player has his hands on Lovren, but did it prevent Lovern from challenging for the ball? Don't think so. There was also a Liverpool defender manhandling a bournemouth player at the same corner which was ignored.

Skrtel (not the only one by a long way, but one of the worst offenders) get's away with it in virtually every game. So what if there's 10 penalties in a game, if referees got tough with it from the first whilstle, after a few weeks players would soon get the message. The art of defending is in danger of being lost.

Whilst I don't profess to being the best referee by any stretch of the imagination, but I make sure players, managers and even spectators are aware from the first corner that holding, pushing, pulling etc won't be tolerated by either side.
Chris Smalling is actually physically incapable of not grabbing a striker at a corner.
If I were a referee there is only one man I'd be watching.
EPL refs must watch MOTD too so how the hell did he get away with it all season?