Bizarre injuries

Matt Williams

New Member
Level 7 Referee
im sure there will be plenty of amusement at this, but I am currently in the 2nd week of an enforced 6 week absence due to a knee injury. Unfortunately, the injury isn't a regular one, as I split it open falling up a flight of stairs and required stitches to heal it (clumsy I know!). Just wondered if I'm the only one to get such a bizarre injury that has prevented refereeing.
A&H International
I did a Rio - had my leg up on a coffee table and hurt my knee. Felt like a idiot after that one.
As do I right now! 8 days on and I still can't bend my knee. Seeing me walking (if you can call it that) around my uni campus is providing laughs to quite a few people at the moment! Haha
A friend saved up a small fortune, paid for his travel to an international tournament and on the first night while exploring the camp, he tripped while walking up some concrete steps. He was wearing flip flops and ripped a gash under the big toe on one of his feet. 9 stitches later he missed the 1st 4 days of the tournament.
Nothing as odd as that, fortunately, but have had more than my fair share!!

One that comes to mind straight away is the first day of the 13/14 marking (Saturday March 2nd I think it was). Being assessed by the man known as the most generous aasessor in our Supply league. Local derby, two high flying teams, all set up for a perfect day for assessment!

22 minutes in and I turned to sprint and BANG! I feel my tibialis anterior (the muscle along the outside of your shin) ping. Absolute agony. However, I didn't want to blow up and stop the game as one team were on the attack and looking very likely to score. I was in a reasonable position anyway so decided to wait for the ball to be cleared or go out of play. 2 minutes later the defending team finally smashed it up the field, whistle blown, game halted, replacement official found!
4 weeks later, I returned to refereeing...with the home team being one of the teams involved!
Never had pain like it!!!
I cut my head open playing basketball and had to phone our refs sec. and drop out of my games that weekend because I couldn't get the glue wet, slightly embarrassing phone call
Looks like I'm in good company then! Haha. Yes this was a rather awkward explanation to my refs sec too Jack, and particularly frustrating as I'd just started to be given some good games in the league too! Felt like such a clot having to explain it!
Walking down a step outside of a pub this summer (sober)............ not sure how I even managed it, but rolled my ankle over. Ligament tear that kept me out until the end of November. Never had an injury like that before, always been small strains etc. Knew I was in trouble when it hurt so much that I felt sick for the next ten minutes.
I missed a game on the last day of the season because I fell down the stairs the day before and broke a toe... was in agony for 2 weeks!
Friend texted me an hour ago and instantly thought of this thread:
"Getting lift home from the charity game. Done something to my right pointing finger dislocated I think bent it back with the lanyard"