Bizarre Antics


Politically Incorrect
Just spotted this on YouTube.

Bizarre refereeing to say the least. And I thought I was unsympathetic.

A&H International
That goal keeper at the end is wearing a black kit :hmmm:

What on earth is that ref doing? Broken arm possibly? You hear a snap! I can sort of understand the ref wanting to get on with the game I guess, the injured player is off the pitch - but then what the hell does he abandon for? Nobody says anything to him really (unless I missed something). I run the match and I'm off!

The players were behaving like choir boys compared to some of the nonsense I have had to put up with this season. :)
I can only assume there are problems at home and he was not in a mental state to referee a match.
No referee that sensitive would make it past his trainee matches surely.
Although I'd 100% back him with his point about the injured player being off the pitch (assuming at least 2 people are with him), to abandon a match for what seemed like dissent from the 2 most polite teams in the world is bizarre.
Should have cautiond for leaving the FOP without the referees permission!
But in all seriousness, I've heard players say enough times "you've ruined / killed this game ref" the referee did just that.

This is a situation where common sense prevails. Who cares if he is off the pitch, all players want the game to be stopped and check him, so be it. Deal with situation whilst in control, then decide the best time to get the game going where appropriate.
From what I heard, he abandoned the game because of other people saying what the best course of action was and he couldn't take it. I dont like to criticise other referees but... I just have no words to describe the over-sensitivity of that ref. I didn't really notice any real dissent in that clip - just players concerned about the well being of the player on the floor in serious discomfort! If I was like him I wouldn't have got through my first couple of U11 games, let alone some of the teams I have to referee now in OA/U18 football!
"Come on ref, he's in a bad way" - clear OFFINABUS. Should have walked.

Not sure what on earth the ref was doing. As others have said he must have had some personal issues at the time. I've refereed during tough times at home and it certainly wrecks your ability
You could , sort of, understand it, if it was a close match and/or the injured man's team were obviously wasting time and the match was coming to the end of normal time, but both set of players seemed happy to wait until injured man was properly assessed & it was only the first half and it was 3-0 at the time.

Only reason I can think of, apart, from those mentioned, is that maybe ref had another ("more important/better") game to go to and was worried he would miss it if long delay here?
I just find it all a bit bizarre.

You can hear the arm snap, but in fairness you may not during play.

It starts when you see the rolling of the eyes when he finally stops insisting the throw in is taken, but he could surely be a little more attentive. His whole body language is a bit odd from the start.

Don't get me wrong, I am possibly the most unsympathetic bloke you will ever meet, but the minute I put that black uniform on and step onto the FOP I feel a sense of responsibility to all the players in a situation like this that says I should be dictating the pace of the stoppage and understand if a serious injury occurs give everybody time to adjust to the situation.

As @SM says though these blokes are genuine saints in comparison to some of the 'orrible b@st@rds you end up with.
that was terrible refereeing, the guy was clearly badly injured, both teams tried to help him,no physio what a surprise. the minute the referee established the injury was serious stop the game simple
that was terrible refereeing, the guy was clearly badly injured, both teams tried to help him,no physio what a surprise. the minute the referee established the injury was serious stop the game simple

Wasn't clear to me the player was badly injured and I dare say I have more medical training than most refs.
Why would a Sunday league team have a physio?
Some leagues insist on there being a first aid trained person present with each team. Best you can reasonably hope for.
for cases like that one incase of injury

You expect these teams to be able to afford a physio for every match for the tiny chance someone breaks an arm?
And in that case, there's bugger all a physio can do. The fella is going to hospital whether there is no physio or the Chief Medical Officer is in attendance.
In my 7 season I've seen 2 broken noses, 2 possible concussions and a broken/dislocated finger. Admitedly I've been lucky. But did these injuries really justify the added expense of a physio (who would just be calling the ambulance anyway).
I think the term physio was meant in the sense of a first aider here. Not like Chelsea's.

Here's a picture of a professional physio. Just for reference of course...


  • 13a5dfe70f2a9f9d25d8f4d1d7ade022.jpg
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she is the chelsea club doctor

I know but would you rather have a picture of the physio or the club doctor? If you'd rather look at the physio, be my guest. I've even attached a photo for you to hang above your bed. I think I'll stick with the club doctor but each to their own :p


  • Didier_Drogba-phys_2197367k.jpg
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I may well adopt this attitude in future matches ! take the money and run ...that is ridiculous ! very poor