Binning a player manager

Thanks for that.

I do think they need to be clear(er) on what the stages of escalation are in terms of managing any misconduct from physios.

Should we also have a spearate section on teamsheets to indicate who the physio(s) are so we know where we stand pre match. I'd hate to have a situation where I go to a technical area to dismiss someone only to find out at that point I cant. .

Lets take an example - it doesnt happen too often., but what if the physio is guilty of violent conduct against an opposition team official. Leaving them in the technical area isnt going to improve any situation... what do you do if you cant bin him. Logically, the answer is you cant continue the game but theres nothing written to state this. Are physios going to be given any guidance as to the consequence of their misconduct? I dont know...
A&H International
My earlier posts about binning physios really referred to the man with the first aid kit. When you get to contrib level there is usually a qualified Physio on each bench. My experience of these people has been that you have no problems with them at all. Yes, they might appeal and stuff like that but they don't stand there yelling abuse at the referee and assistants and when they go on the pitch to attend to an injured player that's exactly what they do, they don't waste time berating the referee.
What if the physio is to leave the game for reasons other than dismissal by the referee. Does the game continue?
Lots of Lawyer fluff here, if in the very long shot that this ever happened and just after his / her services were required in a medical emergency you'd have to be a serious **** to refuse the re-appearance to do his / her actual medical job. I'm sure all the other administrative stuff could be sorted out later at County FA, but surely a humans health comes first and not your ego!! Lets stop looking for trouble!!!
Lots of Lawyer fluff here, if in the very long shot that this ever happened and just after his / her services were required in a medical emergency you'd have to be a serious **** to refuse the re-appearance to do his / her actual medical job. I'm sure all the other administrative stuff could be sorted out later at County FA, but surely a humans health comes first and not your ego!! Lets stop looking for trouble!!!

i completely agree with you. but their is a general question that may need clarification. if the physio has to leave the grounds for non football related reasons will the game continue?