Big hello

Jack Shepherd

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hiya everyone

Decided to sign up and join in as I've been watching over the forums for a while now having a good read. Name is Jack, 19, from Dudley in the Midlands and currently a level 7 who's going for his 6 (second time around as some wally never got made contact with his assessor!! :oops:). Dream is the reach the very top, very passionate about refereeing and is practically my life!

So thats me in a nutshell, hope to get stuck in and talk to one or two of you over the forums!
A&H International
Welcome to RefChat, don't be shy, feel free to ask anything

Mate, you're not alone. There are a number of us on here who feel the same way about making it to the top and who share your passion. Looking forward to discussing match scenarios and the LOTG (as well as other aspects of football) with you.