Best complaints you've ever recieved from an aggrieved team...


Active Member
I was inspired by a post a read recently and I'm not sure if this belongs on this particular forum section....
But I was curious as to the best/funniest complaints from a team you've ever received ?

Mine personally was during my first season and home team beat the away team 15-1 - absolutely nothing happened in the game. No cards, no abuse, very one sided as you can guess... A few days later I get a phone call from the home manager saying the guy is putting a report in against me...

I can't remember it word for word but Apparently:
• if I wasn't in charge it would have been a different score line
It gets better...
• I was best friends with home manager and we were regularly seen talking/laughing together throughout the game.
It gets better...
• after the game I went home with the home manager and was seen going to his house for Sunday dinner
What the f**k !?

I never said a word to either manager during the game, I live in a different town to him and if I wasn't in charge it would have probably been 20-0

As you can imagine this wasn't set to my FA - I think the home manager give him some words of wisdom

Can anyone top that haha ?
A&H International
So last minute goal scored. It was squared from the byline, now it was a pretty tricky one to know whether it was in or out. Obviously defending team were sure it was out. I gave the CAR a glance and he didnt flag, so ball was scored and smashed home. A couple of more minutes thenblow for full time. The manager comes up very animated telling me it was a stupid decision and had I not allowed the goal it would have been a different scored. I chuckled thinking he was joking and he carried on moaning and dragged away by the assistant. Now all this would have been fine if it wasnt the 6th goal in a 6-1 defeat.
Club Manager: "Just phoning you up as a courtesy" (I was instantly suspicious at half 8 on a Saturday night) "the lads are united in how bad you were today, and as we're marking you under the limit in the rules, I'll be telling our secretary to write a letter of complaint on behalf of XXXXXX FC to go in the post Monday

Me:'Well, thank you for your call, but it wasn't me who refereed you today, I was taken off the game last week for a county cup rearranged fixture, you best speak to your secretary and find out who it was, I'd be

Manager ".........................oh...........well.............can't you phone your mate for us?"

Me: 'goodnight Mr xxxxxxxxx'
Club Manager: "Just phoning you up as a courtesy" (I was instantly suspicious at half 8 on a Saturday night) "the lads are united in how bad you were today, and as we're marking you under the limit in the rules, I'll be telling our secretary to write a letter of complaint on behalf of XXXXXX FC to go in the post Monday

Me:'Well, thank you for your call, but it wasn't me who refereed you today, I was taken off the game last week for a county cup rearranged fixture, you best speak to your secretary and find out who it was, I'd be

Manager ".........................oh...........well.............can't you phone your mate for us?"

Me: 'goodnight Mr xxxxxxxxx'
You get called about being reported? You get reported?
Here in the US the only time we know how "bad" we were is at an end of the year meeting.
"You can't give a back pass, I haven't told them about that yet!" :confused:

I was given a good level game in my league at the end of last season and in the dying seconds, when the score was 1-1, a ball was hit in to the goal area in the air and the keeper is moving backwards and then jumps but misses the ball and lands on his backside. I'm surrounded by players demanding to scrap the goal for a foul on the keeper which was rubbish as no attacker was near him, he just fluffed it.

At the end of the game I'm getting grief from the manager for the unfair goal and I've cost them their season etc.

I don't know why the fella was there, may have been checking up on me as I was a youngster and in my first open age season or something completely different, but after a few minutes he wanders over, shows his ID as chair of the league and asks the manager to explain his actions as he had been watching the last 30 minutes of the game from a distance and couldn't see anything wrong.

I could almost feel sorry for the manager as he wanted to be anywhere but there.

Couple of days later I got the invite from the league to be an official at one of their cup finals.
Well done lads, you deserved the win, but you were robbed by a shocking ref. Ours was over the line, but theirs definitely wasn't.

From both teams!!

Background - Ball hits the underside of the bar and bounces down. I've got the best view of everybody - except both managers of course, and their eagle-eyed objective judgements - the whole of the ball did not cross the whole of the line at either end. I did point out that had they both been over the line, it would still have been a draw, just 1-1 instead of 0-0.
I was inspired by a post a read recently and I'm not sure if this belongs on this particular forum section....
But I was curious as to the best/funniest complaints from a team you've ever received ?

Mine personally was during my first season and home team beat the away team 15-1 - absolutely nothing happened in the game. No cards, no abuse, very one sided as you can guess... A few days later I get a phone call from the home manager saying the guy is putting a report in against me...

I can't remember it word for word but Apparently:
• if I wasn't in charge it would have been a different score line
It gets better...
• I was best friends with home manager and we were regularly seen talking/laughing together throughout the game.
It gets better...
• after the game I went home with the home manager and was seen going to his house for Sunday dinner
What the f**k !?

I never said a word to either manager during the game, I live in a different town to him and if I wasn't in charge it would have probably been 20-0

As you can imagine this wasn't set to my FA - I think the home manager give him some words of wisdom

Can anyone top that haha ?

On a simple compliance point, you report the contact to the league. While he has not committed a misconduct,so the CFA don't need to be aware of, he is in breach of the RESPECT campaign.

If the league is a Chartered Standard league, they have to uphold the RESPECT campaign so may wish to meet the manager and his club for them to explain this unwarranted contact.You may not think was anything of issue, but change the setting to a young first year referee and it looks like bullying. They may be scared from referring that team again.
Last minute penalty awarded in a game to away team. Home captain goes nuts.Ref your mates with them and your going on the lash after so your bound to side with them! Cue an easy caution but afterwards in the clubhouse home captain saw I was sat on own whilst away side buggered straight off ' Oh your not with them. Maybe I shouldve shut up!'

Bloody stoopid fool
Amused me this........ Forward gets fouled(def yellow) he jumps up and says" Are you going to book him? if i had my leg broke i couldn't sign on tomorrow"
Was reffing a primary school tournament. It was a year 2 game. a player toppled into their opponent the manage screams it me 'ref that was malicious, get him off'
@mikedn - I had one a few seasons backs where this guy was pushed in a wheel chair from the carpark to the pitch side which was quite a trek !
Then about half way through the second half one of the opposing defenders handled on the line... He jumped from the wheel chair and began screaming for a penalty ! I gave it straight away but then all the players on the pitch went quiet for a few second and just stared at him puzzled.
The lad who received the red for OFINBUS even joked that I should report him to the Jiro for fraud aswell.
A very wet game, crowd close to the edge of the pitch. No barrier or ropes. :)

A player cleanly slides to intercept a pass down the wing and momentum slides him off the pitch into a mouthy git associated with the opposition who had been shouting onto the pitch all game. He was right on the touch line, the player was trying to stop.

"That has to be malicious ref!"

I think you will find that it's karma mate :)

"You going to have a word ref?"

You're right, all you guys retreat a few yards back from the touchline. Trying to play a game of football on here.

Throw in.
Had one last season, under 12s game,Yellows vs blues, 1-0 to yellows, I have the managers as CARs for ins and outs on touchline ONLY, on yellows side, I can just about see the line as its a touch feint and with the sun in my eyes hard to see but it looks a yard in to me, I look at CAR he shakes his head and says play on ref, I carry on, all but GK for blues stop claiming a throw with me yelling play on, yellows inevitably score and the blues manager is shouting IT WAS WELL OUT REF, I pondered over and explained, it seemed fine to me, it was confirmed in by the other CAR if you dont trust him then Ill remove both of you as CARs and do it alone. To which his response is 'but my players wouldnt lie ref, I know my players', thats good mate but not good enough for me, sorry! yellows winning 2-1 later on, blues desperately searching for equaliser, yellows counter 3 vs 2, 2 players in offside position in centre of pitch, the third onside in his own half up the right, ball gets played to him, runs down the wing, cuts it back and 1 of the 2 strikers lash it home. Manager goes mental claiming offside then the players and spectators jump on the band wagon for it too. I come over again, explain how I'm right in law and he still goes mental, I send him away and ask Ass Manager to remove naughty spectators, I book 2 players for dissent, they start getting upset when I give them the lemon which shuts everyone of the players up but im not taking anything along the lines of 'youre blind, a joke, specsavers' etc. after repeated warnings and the Ass Man says Im right to do it, which shuts spectators up. End of game at 3-1, one of the players still being a nuisance and carries on with the blind/youre a joke/specsavers stuff, i give the yellow, parents not happy with me at this point but I ask why the other 2 should be booked yet he shouldnt? they mumble off to themselves, as I'm handing in the stuff to the league manager, the manager I sent away comes over to hand in match fee and he doesnt seem happy but he's calmed down. I ask him what the problem with the offside is, he says im wrong and I explain again and as Im half way through the explanation, he says 'OH I DONT CARE ABOUT 1st PHASE AND ALL THAT PHASE S**T, YOU'RE WRONG' to which I respond, im only going by the LOTG and he says 'WELL THEY'RE WRONG TOO!!!!' and storms off.

Ladies and Gents, children of all ages, the LOTG are wrong...

(PS Apologies for the lengthy post!)
That's what annoys me more than anything - managers and players who don't know the rules !!!
If it was up to me all managers would have to complete the referee course and referee 5-10 games at different age groups before they're allowed to qualify as a manger !
That's what annoys me more than anything - managers and players who don't know the rules !!!
We are talking about football here? If so, what are rules? :D

U12s team behaving like that, seriously shocking. :confused:

Got a problem with the LOTG? Take it up with FIFA! :D
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That's what annoys me more than anything - managers and players who don't know the rules !!!
If it was up to me all managers would have to complete the referee course and referee 5-10 games at different age groups before they're allowed to qualify as a manger !

They qualify as a manager?

I thought they just turned up one day in a tracksuit with a pen and clipboard and made their kid captain 'cause they couldn't get in any other team? :confused: