BBC programme

A&H International
They must have had some consultancy from a referee or ex-referee as some of it seemed quite authentic. Obviously not the OTT stuff, but things like captains briefing and other things just had me thinking there had been an official involved somewhere.
So I've watched many episodes, not realising that one of them (way down the line), is sitcom'ed in a referees' changing room 😄
The 'exchanging half time notes and evening things up' stuff must go on!! No one will ever admit it but I'm sure either on purpose or not, wrongs can get righted!!
They must have had some consultancy from a referee or ex-referee as some of it seemed quite authentic. Obviously not the OTT stuff, but things like captains briefing and other things just had me thinking there had been an official involved somewhere.

There were aspects of the plot and dialogue that were very referee specific so I also suspect they had input from someone with refereeing experience. I think we could all match each of the characters up to a referee that we personally know.
I thought the refereeing episode was the worst of the lot
Otherwise, the program is different... I'll give it that. Occasionally very good
There were aspects of the plot and dialogue that were very referee specific so I also suspect they had input from someone with refereeing experience. I think we could all match each of the characters up to a referee that we personally know.
Maybe someone with some knowledge of refereeing but obviously with no knowledge of how things work at the higher levels. The idea that the host nation of a World Cup gets to pick who the match officials are, is just ridiculous.