Basic Steps to cautioning a player??

Richard Novell

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Basically I'm a new referee and am starting this season fresh as I done a few games last season towards the end of the season (passed my course earlier this year etc.)

I have never booked a player and would like to get advice on the tips on how you would i.e like if its dissent how many warnings do you give before you hand out a card or if its a foul how many chances do you give them etc. (if this makes sense) ???

I know what to say when you do caution a player its just the build up like the warnings you give them etc.?
A&H International

Some fouls are a straight YC. I'm sure you have seen the pros on TV so you should have an idea of what is a YC and what is a good bollocking.

I like to give the players 2 chances. Depending on the foul the 1st one may go without a word 2nd one final warning one more and there in the book. Then if they do it a 3rd time they can't argue.

In relation to decent. If they are in your face arguing. Easy YC. If they are shouting it from 30-40yrds away easy YC. You will get your own tollerence level. When they go past that put them in the book. Work with the captains and tell them to get the player the calm down or he will be booked.

Have fun
It's really hard with kids as the managers seem to ave more of an influence over the kids behaviour than there mates do - well sometimes.

You must rem that if its a YC you have to give it and not let a sub take take for that player to come off as you are then letting him get away with it. If that makes sense.
In open age i found Cautions should be for any dissent (kicking ball away, serious back chat so they make you look small) In play if you go "ouch" as a tackle goes in, that's your subconscious telling you, you need a caution or possibly even a red card!
I found due to playing i tend to be lenient towards tackling and that sort of lead to an incident on sunday, kind of my fault for being so lenient :(
at youth again crackdown on dissent as "monkey see, monkey do" however with tackling its more about teaching them rather than punishing them although if the players is a player is repeatedly doing something wrong then crackdown on it!
hope this helps, also im still relatively new and this is only my second season so were pretty much in the same boat.
i've only just started doing one thing i picked up from county referees at the center of excellence is making notes about what i did right and what i did wrong then how i'd better them.
Welcome to the site, glad to gave you here
Every referee has a different tolerance level. Personally, mine is quite high, some think I allow too much before I caution.
You'll soon find your tolerance level, and how many warnings to give before a caution gets issued. Obviously, there are occasions where no warnings are given and the card comes straight out, again, you'll know when to do this.
Use captains to your advantage, I tell them if they can't control there players, then I will. Doesn't always work, but in my experience it does more often than not.
ok cheers for the tips, another quick question... if you know your having a bad game and the captain has done something in the wrong and he doesn't agree with your decision when you bring the other player involved with an incident what do i do then?

for example 'captain and no. 4 please can i talk to you both.... i've warned you once (directing to no.4) and this is your last chance anymore dissent and you will recieve a caution!
captain replies yeah but referee to be fair you have made some poor decisions

what would i do then if the captain wasn't on my side?
just say to him something along the lines of "that doesn't excuse his behaviour and may i remind you of your duties as captain"
take a harsh stance against him as by him saying you made some poor decisions he's trying to undermine you
I'd say "thanks no4, you can go now" and then in a lower tone to the captain "if you're not going to help me with your teammates by setting the example, then I'll treat you like any other player and any privileges you may have had as a captain have just gone. OK?" and then send him on his way by getting ready for the restart, thus ignoring any aside comments he may make under his breath. Obviously if he decides to go public with any comments/gestures, you've just warned him so it's an easy YC and by then all the other players will be p****d off that the game's been stopped so long, so you can tell them it's the captain's fault too!