Open Age Assault - Who To Contact?


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Hey all, sat almost immediately following a match in which I was physically assaulted (punched twice in the face). I’ll keep things vague until I do the necessary, but from my more experienced colleagues… who should I be reporting this to?

Obviously it’ll go in through WGS, but are there any other people to whom I should be making aware of the incident? Appointments secretary? Competition? County? Etc.
A&H International
That’s absolutely awful - really hope you’re okay physically and doing as well as you can mentally after that. absolutely vile, and there’s plenty of support for you on here, with RA and around your colleagues.

I’m not 100%, but I’d be contacting the police.
Firstly, I hope you are ok? Get home, rest up.

First person I'm contacting here is the police. Be sure to take photographs of any visible injuries.

Secondly, RDO and discipline officer at county FA. They need a heads up for what is coming.

Lastly, I would inform the league secretary and appointments officer to make them aware of what's happened in the game. Better to hear from you than, undoubtedly, via hearsay/internet etc.
Really sorry to hear this. Contact your RDO first thing on Monday, assuming you don't have an emergency contact for them. James has covered most other things, but if you want advice or just someone to talk to then Ref Support UK have a 24x7 helpline and I know they have helped referees who have been assaulted in the past.

Firstly, I hope you are ok? Get home, rest up.

First person I'm contacting here is the police. Be sure to take photographs of any visible injuries.

Secondly, RDO and discipline officer at county FA. They need a heads up for what is coming.

Lastly, I would inform the league secretary and appointments officer to make them aware of what's happened in the game. Better to hear from you than, undoubtedly, via hearsay/internet etc.
Thanks James, I’m physically alright. Have already fired off a couple of texts to appt sec and my old RDO at county. Will do an email to all those, plus discipline dept after a deep breath and gather my thoughts.
Really sorry to hear this. Contact your RDO first thing on Monday, assuming you don't have an emergency contact for them. James has covered most other things, but if you want advice or just someone to talk to then Ref Support UK have a 24x7 helpline and I know they have helped referees who have been assaulted in the past.

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Thank you, really appreciate this. I know Martin at RSUK reasonably well and have already dropped him a line. There’s no physical injury really, and I’m happy to go back out there tomorrow, just want to make sure I make sure all the right people are told when I first report it.
Cheers George mate. Physically fine, had worse slaps from my kittens, but was… not preferable.
Good to hear that at least. Rest up ready for your game tomorrow if you want to do it.

Hopefully all relevant legal and footballing authorities approach this correctly.

I'm sure myself and others on here, as well as the RSUK hotline etc would happily talk through things with you - terrible, but glad you're feeling sort of ok.
Good to hear that at least. Rest up ready for your game tomorrow if you want to do it.

Hopefully all relevant legal and footballing authorities approach this correctly.

I'm sure myself and others on here, as well as the RSUK hotline etc would happily talk through things with you - terrible, but glad you're feeling sort of ok.
Cheers - soon as I’ve got home and decompressed and flung kit in the wash, probably gonna call someone just to have a natter about it.
So sorry to hear that some scumbag assaulted you. Absolutely abhorent.

As @JamesL said.

1. Have some time at home
2. Report to police (take photographs) - this not only means the person will hopefully receive a knock on the door, but also shows the FA that you are taking it seriously and should add more gravitas to the report.
3. Contact RA if you are a member
4. Email RDO and Discipline department
5. I would also send a copy of the report to the league so that they know about it.

Most importantly, look after yourself. Hopefully players were supportive afterwards.
Just jumping on this one. I do hope you’re feeling okay after your game mate.

I had the same today in a way. Sent one off for OFFINABUS and he’s then spun around about a yard from me and spat straight in my face which landed on my lower face and top. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from an adult. The clubs emailed me to advise they’ve banned him from the club and apologised for his behaviour.

To be honest, I’m not sure on whether to press charges against the player for it or not🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
Just jumping on this one. I do hope you’re feeling okay after your game mate.

I had the same today in a way. Sent one off for OFFINABUS and he’s then spun around about a yard from me and spat straight in my face which landed on my lower face and top. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from an adult. The clubs emailed me to advise they’ve banned him from the club and apologised for his behaviour.

To be honest, I’m not sure on whether to press charges against the player for it or not🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
That is classified as assault, and I'm pretty certain it's one that is treated very seriously. Aggravated assault I think.
Just jumping on this one. I do hope you’re feeling okay after your game mate.

I had the same today in a way. Sent one off for OFFINABUS and he’s then spun around about a yard from me and spat straight in my face which landed on my lower face and top. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from an adult. The clubs emailed me to advise they’ve banned him from the club and apologised for his behaviour.

To be honest, I’m not sure on whether to press charges against the player for it or not🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
100% Support you in any decision you make.

I would take the approach that if you don't press, it could happen to someone else.
Several of you have got in touch, and want to say thank you and just a general update.

Report is with County, with appointments sec, league secretary, RDO, local RA and my mentor all aware. All of whom have picked-up the phone to check in on me. Upon recommendation, have also reported to the police so CFA now has a case number, which will obviously hold things up a little, but as others pointed out - player may have something on file that this would affect.

Back out whistling tomorrow on the National League Academy so chance to reset and enjoy a cracking standard.

Thanks all x
So sorry to hear that some scumbag assaulted you. Absolutely abhorent.

As @JamesL said.

1. Have some time at home
2. Report to police (take photographs) - this not only means the person will hopefully receive a knock on the door, but also shows the FA that you are taking it seriously and should add more gravitas to the report.
3. Contact RA if you are a member
4. Email RDO and Discipline department
5. I would also send a copy of the report to the league so that they know about it.

Most importantly, look after yourself. Hopefully players were supportive afterwards.
100% police first. You are probably not the only category of person this chap gets punchy with.

If he then starts to run a defence that 'it weren't me' despite you have his shirt number, the club will have some explaining to do.

Good job not letting it go, as other lesser souls may have. I don't know if there are victim support services in the UK that can assist with payments for taking time off work for court and such like, but you should look ok into that
Hey all, sat almost immediately following a match in which I was physically assaulted (punched twice in the face). I’ll keep things vague until I do the necessary, but from my more experienced colleagues… who should I be reporting this to?

Obviously it’ll go in through WGS, but are there any other people to whom I should be making aware of the incident? Appointments secretary? Competition? County? Etc.
May have already been covered, if so I'm sorry.
If not, and in addition to everything already stated, then if this was during the game (not clear from what I've read), you should certainly abandon / terminate the game.

Glad you're physically ok.