anything wrong with mixing brands?

Do you mix brands?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • No

    Votes: 24 77.4%

  • Total voters


As incompetent as the last ref
Level 4 Referee
Title pretty much sums it up. Especially for those just looking into it or starting.
Would you say there is anything wrong with it?

Its massively cheaper to get say sondico branded stuff than it is Adidas.
how many of you actually mix brands when wearing your kit?

What is your reason if you do or don't?
A&H International
New Nike shorts don't work for me. Stuff falls out. Have to wear Adidas.

Would never mix Patrick with the others though as all shorts have trim. Mixing sweatbands is also OK.

I have thought about this way too much. I'm going for a lie-down.
New Nike shorts don't work for me. Stuff falls out. Have to wear Adidas.

Would never mix Patrick with the others though as all shorts have trim. Mixing sweatbands is also OK.

I have thought about this way too much. I'm going for a lie-down.
Tell me about it. I bought Sondico shorts because you could get them in person but cheaper to buy adidas tops from ebay than the sondico one.
Have went a bit mental but and just purchased all adidas stuff there. tops, shorts, jackets. the lot
No mixing, but my area assoc has an official kit supplier, so it shouldn't happen anyway. Everyone going through there gets the official kit (Mitre).

Edit: To answer the question, I wouldn't kick up a fuss on mixed kits tbh. I do raise the eyebrow at those who go out and buy FIFA logo/tagged Champions League kits though.
No mixing, but my area assoc has an official kit supplier, so it shouldn't happen anyway. Everyone going through there gets the official kit (Mitre).

Edit: To answer the question, I wouldn't kick up a fuss on mixed kits tbh. I do raise the eyebrow at those who go out and buy FIFA logo/tagged Champions League kits though.
I definitely 100% haven’t just bought adidas champions league shorts from ebay. In my defense they are alot cheaper than not branded ones and I am going to try remove the branding
The vast majority of referees in Scotland wear Adidas as they have been the official supplier since 2010. Once you pass the course and become a member of your local association you can normally pick up some kit to get you started. In any case whatever brands you decide to use it us expected that you wear the SFA badge on it.
Don't see what the fuss is, really. If you get a deal for decent quality from the same supplier, great, if you don't, it doesn't make a difference - black shorts is black, innit?
If you want to have credibility with players, you need to be sure it is all the same brand. Otherwise they will think you don't care and not give you respect. And if you believe that, I have some great ocean front property in North Dakota that I'd like to sell you. As long as you look like a ref, players don't give a flying fruitcake what brand(s) you're wearing. (And don't get me started on the residue of a US emphasis for a while on the R and ARs wearing the same sleeve length . . . )
One shouldn't really mix garments, you may end up with a multicoloured swap shop of designer labels, that’s definitely worth a minus mark to Derrick languishing in the bush with his clipboard and his Werthers Originals... one has standards to uphold!
One shouldn't really mix garments, you may end up with a multicoloured swap shop of designer labels, that’s definitely worth a minus mark to Derrick languishing in the bush with his clipboard and his Werthers Originals... one has standards to uphold!
Sigh, because that's how observations work of course. There is a specific competency in appearance....
You can mix brands as long as you tuck your shirt in... Sorry couldn't resist it :)

On a more serious note, you should look professional, confident and give the impression you are there do do the job. Give consideratoin to mixing brands or not (or anything else you wear) only if it negatively impacts above. It can be deferent from one place to another.
If you're refereeing amateur football and worrying about whether mixing brands is an issue, then you really need to give your head a wobble. Absolutely nobody gives a stuff and it's absolutely doesn't matter one bit. Worry about your refereeing, not whether you can wear Adidas shorts with a Nike shirt down the local football pitch. Perspective ffs
Sigh, because that's how observations work of course. There is a specific competency in appearance....

There used to be, up until I would guess around 15 years ago there was an entire section on referee's appearance on the 7-6 and 6-5 report forms.

It's only a problem now if it makes you look untidy, and even then not a massive problem at grass roots levels. Becomes more of an issue at L4 and above when you are in a team of three, but even then only if it is noticeably different. But that isn't dissimilar to where two officials have fairly new kit and one is in kit that has been washed so many times it is more grey than black.
Personally, I suffer from OCD and can not stand having "odd" kit.
I started my life in Scotland with an Adidas shirt (donated to me by a local ref in my town who found out my intake of a new SFA shirt hadn't arrived by the weekend), but wore Nike shorts and socks (and boots, but that was regardless as I find, for me, they're most comfortable). I since bought Adidas shorts too and, in the last couple weeks, socks.
I find it more comfortable (in the mind) that the brands match. Couldn't get the shorts from official ref shops as not in my size but I got a really comfortable pair with deep pockets from Adidas directly.

I, though, have no issue if others wear "odd" as long as they are comfortable. I remember one game, the referee forgot his shorts. I was down as assistant with him and offered him my shorts (for his own credibility) as we were donated a pair from the home club - but they were a pair of old keepers shorts (complete with padding) but at least were black. This was a CCFL level (referee was a Lvl 4). Thankfully his relative raced down and arrived as we rang the bell so swapped back. I was feeling a bit conscious wearing them to be honest but imagine being the man in the middle with them.
I trust this is colloquial terminology. There are different shades of grey, but OCD truly debilitating

Seriously, I can't stand when something is out of place, in the wrong place, don't match etc. When at work (retail), I am forever lining stock up on the shelves as can't stand indents when things are not aligned straight. I refuse to finish a job half done. Even if it means staying a little longer than normal time to get it done. Once I've started something, I finish it. Things have to be done correctly. It annoys me a lot of the time. I get laughed at some times at work for it but at least I know I can leave satisfied with a job well done.

When it comes to refereeing, I have that nagging feeling every game when I come off the field if I've done something correct in law. I know 99% of the time I have a fine/good game and got very little wrong, but still, nevertheless, I play the matches over and over in my head. Eats me up sometimes.
Seriously, I can't stand when something is out of place, in the wrong place, don't match etc. When at work (retail), I am forever lining stock up on the shelves as can't stand indents when things are not aligned straight. I refuse to finish a job half done. Even if it means staying a little longer than normal time to get it done. Once I've started something, I finish it. Things have to be done correctly. It annoys me a lot of the time. I get laughed at some times at work for it but at least I know I can leave satisfied with a job well done.

When it comes to refereeing, I have that nagging feeling every game when I come off the field if I've done something correct in law. I know 99% of the time I have a fine/good game and got very little wrong, but still, nevertheless, I play the matches over and over in my head. Eats me up sometimes.
Some of the old boys don’t know their R’s from their elbows so some dodgy tackle is par for the course...surely controlling 22 Neanderthals is higher priority than any Nike flick faux pas!