Any tips?


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all i am refereeing my first game on sat its an under 11s game then on sunday i have a under 15 game honestly cant wait but does anybody have any tips as i am very nervous cheers
A&H International
Just relax and be confident in desicisions you make. U11 won't cause much hassle so should be okay. Don't take any sh*t was the first thing I got told Hope this helps.
If nothing else, make sure you know Law 12 back to front. Review it the night before and that morning.
I'd get to the ground really early, maybe an hour before your game, and watch other matches if they're on.
Don't be put off by comments from parents or coaches. You wouldn't be refereeing if you hadn't passed the course... You will be fine! Be confident, have clear instructions and enjoy it!! Good luck! :)
take a spare, cheap whistle ...

when a particular Dad pipes up too much, pass him the whistle, tell him to carry on - heckle the hell out of him from the side-lines ... once completed ask him what he has learnt from the experience - tell him to apologise for being a douche - tell him to keep the whistle as a reminder not to be a douche.