Any Ideas?


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
This is not necessarily refereeing related but just wondered if you had any ideas.

I am currently studying Business at University and been set a task to start up a digital business within the health and fitness sector. I just wondered if you had any ideas of what is missing from the market or something that you may use that currently isn't out there. This could be an app or a product that could be sold on the internet.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated :D
A&H International
How about a portable kiosk which the referee could bring to the game and leave securely on the sidelines? The kiosk would allow the players pre-game to check up on the rules of football in order to correct the bad decisions of the official during the match itself. Everyone concerned will be safe in the knowledge that the kiosk is right and the players have the right information at their fingertips/knuckles.
I think it could be winner. I also suggest calling it something like "Robbie" (the AI for this one prefers "Sav"), "Al", "Lawro" or controversially, "Jose".
On a serious note, a couple of robots which can track the second last defender and scan for forwards in advance of that line across the pitch would be a great idea.
They can be fitted with flags of choice, work right wings or left wings, run all the way to the goal line and be fitted with anti-tamper devices to prevent miscreant substitutes/substituted players from distracting them.
The days of the CAR would be over!
It's alright aha, it is difficult to think of ideas that would be good within the fitness and health sector. It could be anything that is missing when you go to the gym or anything food related.
Thanks for the great idea :)

Does anyone have any ideas for non-referee related ?
There's so much out there already Reece. It's hard to think what is missing from the market. There apps that could certainly be improved on, but not many that arent already out there.

A good invention I bought last week was the DuskRunner (google it). It's a really good bit of kit I use on my bike or when I go running.

If it's for health and fitness, there's a massive amount of choice. Food & diet, sport-specific, fitness etc. If I was you, I'd create a few surveys aimed at specific sports/ areas and see what people wouldn't think
I got the watch @CO. DOWN REF I bought the Sony Smartwatch 3.

The app itself is good. It has a few bugs and drains the battery to within 10% over a 90 minute game, so any extra time/pens is out of the question. There are a few glitches that the developers are trying to sort out. Their next release date is next week. So hopefully they'd have improved it.

I translated all the French to English for the, so I'm hoping that is incorporated in the update. In a rush on Sunday, I tried to input a red card to the away team, got confused with French and ended up adding a goal by mistake. There was no way to correct the mistake after that.

It's nit bad but definitely needs developing.