Open Age And it started... Again


Cook, Cleaner and Bottle Washer
Level 7 Referee
Hi lads after my injury in may doc cleared me to return officiating, and picked up a few friendly and a couple 6 a side leagues midweek.
All was well until being racially abused after the game finished.
I called the league organizer and explained what happened and left matter with him. As well as making a police complaint.

Now the Lord works in mysterious way and yesterday the lad in question came down to play(different team, different league), only to be met by myself.

Told him I didn't want to hear a single sound from him in front to his teammates. To which he reply to F OFF.
Easiest sell red even before match started.
And he was hurling more abuse from sideline as he wouldn't leave.
Grabbed his captain and gave him 30 seconds for him to go or game abandoned. Half hour later was still at it with police trying to hoist him in van.

I don't know, maybe I'm barking at wrong tree, but since brexit vote, this racial abuse are on the up and not just in football but in everyday life as well.
A&H International
@Phonesurgeon - hope you are OK with it.

Only question, why did you start when he was at the side of the pitch? Should have been told to leave the vincenty of the FOP before you started. Get the captain to make sure he goes or don't start the match. At that time, you have all his team mates to encourage him to go; but while the game is on, it is really down to you to stop the game to get rid of him.

Pre-match - it is also an easier decision that he is abusing and intimidating you.

Have you informed the CFA as well, given the police were involved. May as well get the CFA to get their share of his fines!!! :smoke::smoke::smoke:
I'm sorry to hear your experience. Such disgraceful behaviour is only compounded by the second incident. From a refereeing perspective I would add a few comments ...

I called the league organizer and explained what happened and left matter with him.
Did you follow this up with a written report? It's accepted practice in my area that league officials will not act on verbal reports and a written report is expected. A timely, well written report would probably be considered a more accurate version of events especially as it is unlikely that the other party will have prepared a written a report.
Told him I didn't want to hear a single sound from him in front to his teammates.
I'm not keen on picking out specific players in a pre match briefing but understand why you felt in necessary given the severity of the original incident and the fact that it involved a different team. Perhaps you could have addressed the issue to the whole team in a more general way although given the player's reaction you were probably in a no win situation.
And he was hurling more abuse from sideline as he wouldn't leave.
As has already been pointed out by lins22, you should have cleared the offender from the vicinity before the game started.

I'm making these points after the event and I appreciate that you were dealing with it in a real time scenario. Hopefully the offender will get the deserved punishment from both the football and legal authorities and we can work towards ridding the game from this type of behaviour. Incidentally, I'd be interested to know the reaction of his team mates and club officials - were they supportive through the incident?
The league and the police have now my witness statement and today I copied my CFA in it as well.
The game did not start as after my 30 seconds warning gone he was still pitch side and still hurling abuse.
Informed both captains that the game was abandoned for that reason.

This season I will come down harder on all the unacceptable behaviour, as described in the new laws.
The league and the police have now my witness statement and today I copied my CFA in it as well.
The game did not start as after my 30 seconds warning gone he was still pitch side and still hurling abuse.
Informed both captains that the game was abandoned for that reason.

This season I will come down harder on all the unacceptable behaviour, as described in the new laws.
Well done, you have done the right thing. It was just wasn't clear from your OP on the points i raised.
Was this affiliated football, as discipline reports should be going to county only and not to the competition? If leagues are asking for misconduct report that breaks every rule in the book.

Absolutely the right thing to do though in sending him off (twice).
Was this affiliated football, as discipline reports should be going to county only and not to the competition? If leagues are asking for misconduct report that breaks every rule in the book.
Quite the opposite Rusty!

The FA delegated administering the majority of discipline for small-sided football to the competition provider a few years ago. DOGSO, OFFINABUS, second blue card, violent conduct and serious foul play are no longer dealt with by CFAs. It's only 'Serious Violent Behaviour causing injury, including any form of assault', spitting, discriminatory offences or offences not listed above/after the match/after being dismissed that get sent to County.