Alan Pardew....


Forum VAR
Staff member
Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
What are your thoughts after seeing him push the assistant?
A&H International
this is the FA's chance of making an example of someone but doubt they will, will probably hit him with a fine and a 6 match ban (no communication at all).
I expected PK to turn around and belt him. Certainly looked like he was going to before he recovered his composure.

If I'm honest I expect (and would like) to see a lenient punishment here, 1 game perhaps. I klnow I'm flirting with controversy here, bur Pardew immediately admitted his fault, took the decision to be sent to the stands in good grace, apologised straight away in all the interviews, and made the personal apology too.

This was no Di Canio shove, there were no Wenger-esque arm flapping histrionics, no arguing and abusive shouting that characterises many other dugout dismissals, and there was not attempt to hide it, pin the blame on the Assistan or avoid the subject during the interview. I think this ought to be taken into account.
Yes he said sorry and he was clearly just lashing out in frustration. The problem being is that if the FA don't make a GOOD example other managers/asst managers etc will see that AP has got away with it and think that they can do the same
If a player did this it is clearly violent conduct and the relevant punishment should be dished out and a fine. I hope the FA make an example of him.