Ajax vas PSV


RefChat Addict
Not a good day for Bjorn Kuipers. VAR saved his a$$ twice. Wasn't he the one who went against a suggested review in the WC for a nailed on DOGSO/pen? A decision that cost him the final i think (my memory is not that good though).

A certain red card here at 7.25 and another easy pen at 9.50. Both of which he has a clear view with (a bit of distance though) and both of which he made the wrong decision.

A&H International
I'll assume it was this, what should've been a red card at 0:26, and a penalty at 1:45. Unfortunately it doesn't have the second VAR instance that one has mentioned.

I'll assume it was this, what should've been a red card at 0:26, and a penalty at 1:45. Unfortunately it doesn't have the second VAR instance that one has mentioned.

They are the two incidents I referred to. Also here:

(1.25 and 3.20).

@Ciley Myrus note the rescinding signal by referee. It was a topic of conversation a few weeks ago.

Why did VAR not intervene with respect to the Chuck Norris incident?
He did. It was overturned to red on review. See my video link above.

"Ajax vas PSV"

Not a good day for grammar either eh? :rolleyes:;):p
I refuse to review even on recommendation from forum grammar VAR. :)
If that kick to head is not a red with or without var then none of us have any purpose in carrying out any more appointments

I like this referee.

But thats staggering
That's partly why VAR doesn't work
All referees make mistakes, but it's harder to forgive them when they've watched replays from three dozen angles
That's partly why VAR doesn't work
All referees make mistakes, but it's harder to forgive them when they've watched replays from three dozen angles

Ah, it was a red. Phew

And yes I was all for the showing of the card that you are rescinding
A bit miffed that he went yellow for that decapitation. Good that VAR corrected it.

I might be courting controversy here, but I didn't think that was enough for a penalty...
Agree with above, got the right call eventually with the kick
but no pen for me, yes totally understand it being given and am not appalled, but, real time am not giving that, and, as above, if i had to give it cos a voice in my head told me too, then ok, but, am not convinced
note the rescinding signal by referee. It was a topic of conversation a few weeks ago.
Very bad one to miss, good to see the correct decision was reached.

I think this is significantly different to the confusing signalling me and Miley fell out over a few weeks ago. The ref here takes the card out of his pocket, points to it and does the cancelled gesture - all at chest height. What the ref did previously was "show" the yellow card above his head, then do a confusing set of gestures, take ages fumbling for the red and then show that. I still think "cancelling" the yellow card if you intend to then go on to show a red is a bit unnecessary and can be sorted out in post-match paperwork, but at least this way of doing it is less confusing than what we previously saw.