The Ref Stop

After the summer...


Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Having spent most of this summer around cricket pavilions and pitches I made my return to football last week where I was in the middle for an U13s (11v11) friendly.

Game went well with no major incidents apart from a short spell of tit-for-tat challenges and name-calling where I had to get the captains together and to remind them it was a pre-season 'friendly' and could they remind their players (which they did and all was well)

The reason I mention my 'summer of cricket' is that it has really brought to my attention just how awful by comparison the football culture is. Coaches, players and parents alike, there is just this constant air of aggression and confrontation and the 'right' that everyone thinks they have to question every decision I make. Cricket umpires have nothing but respect from players and spectators, and it makes football look terrible. It has really made me consider whether I want to be a part of it all again.

Does anyone else have these doubts after a summer free of 'the beautiful game' or is it just me?
The Ref Stop
Having spent most of this summer around cricket pavilions and pitches I made my return to football last week where I was in the middle for an U13s (11v11) friendly.

Game went well with no major incidents apart from a short spell of tit-for-tat challenges and name-calling where I had to get the captains together and to remind them it was a pre-season 'friendly' and could they remind their players (which they did and all was well)

The reason I mention my 'summer of cricket' is that it has really brought to my attention just how awful by comparison the football culture is. Coaches, players and parents alike, there is just this constant air of aggression and confrontation and the 'right' that everyone thinks they have to question every decision I make. Cricket umpires have nothing but respect from players and spectators, and it makes football look terrible. It has really made me consider whether I want to be a part of it all again.

Does anyone else have these doubts after a summer free of 'the beautiful game' or is it just me?
One of my refereeing friends is also an umpire at County level, and tells me that standards of behaviour have deteriorated recently.