Advice Please

Dave Dickson

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Can anyone help.
In a couple of games recently I've had a couple of players moan as they feel there being "picked on" by which i mean they are getting fouled a lot.
Now in my opinion there just clumsy fouls but do see where the player is coming from.
How can I clamp down on the amount of fouls on this player if none of then individually warrant a caution
A&H International
If an individual player is fouling constantly remember you can caution under C3 - Persistent Infringement but otherwise not much you can do
If you notice this pattern developing of a player being singled out, call the fouling teams captain over and warn him that you see what they are doing regardless of whether they wish to admit it or not and if it continues you are going to start issuing cautions. I remember regarding somewhere that you can use persistent infringements for this purpose.

found this on a quick search of the net:
http://asktheref.com/Soccer Rules/Question/24316/

Better description here:
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Aled like i said its not one player fouling its one player being fouled but thanks, and Supermonkey thanks for that that is decent advise.
One of them i dont think he was actually being singled out but can use that anyway.
No worries, I have also added another resource I found above.

The thing to remember is that players moan (quite common!). Sometimes their moaning has a genuine point sometimes they are just moaning because they can. Either way, they don't get to ref the game - but thats not to say that they don't deserve you using the laws of the game to protect them if they are on the receiving end of a lot of fouls (same goes for all players on the field of play of course). Commonly it will be a skillful player who gets it, the star player if you will. Sometimes it is a player with whom they have history, a lot of times it is a notoriously volatile player who they are hoping will react badly to minor niggly fouls and react getting himself sent off.

Evolution dictates that referees will one day probably get eyes in the back of the head!
Dave , I had a similar situation a few years ago. away team had a really good midfielder who was moaning about being fouled ..as were his team mates 7 or 8 little fouls by a variety of players , after an hour , at a stoppage in play , I told the home team captain that I was aware what was going , and that I had a duty to to make sure all players are safe on the FOP ,and to warn his players , the next 2 tackles that went in received a yellow card , unfortunately on the next one the player reacted in a violent manner and got sent off ....since then I have learned to identify the skilled players who are being kicked and get the cards out early , can make it a hard game but so long as your carding is consistent for both teams no one can complain.
Hi Beezer
Thats great thank you I think I'll go with 4 or 5 on him then word with captain then cards looks like a happy medium like I say i dont think that the team knew they were fouling the same player lol
I just wrote a long reply to your post mate , then Ross moved everything around and I lost it .. im not the most pc literate. !........but to summarise if you think a player is being singled out . Get the cards out early , but you then have to keep it consistent all the way through the match
thats cool bud will defo give it a go mind u i see ur little stat thing there and just worked mine out and its a little different 10 middles one yellow no reds think i need to toughen up lol
Big on yellows , man managment , when they get near the red zone unless its unavoidable
Its not really advice Dave, cause we all ref to our own strengths ! So take what you like and discard what you dont , most of all enjoy it
If you notice this pattern developing of a player being singled out, call the fouling teams captain over and warn him that you see what they are doing regardless of whether they wish to admit it or not and if it continues you are going to start issuing cautions. I remember regarding somewhere that you can use persistent infringements for this purpose.

found this on a quick search of the net:
http://asktheref.com/Soccer Rules/Question/24316/

Better description here:
SM I teach that persistent infringement is to be regarded as frequent offences by the same player or frequent offences against the same player.
How would you deal with cheating tactical fouling?
Depends on where on the field and the nature of the offence. You can sell cautions far easier for a shirt pull (that turns the shirt into a sail) heading towards the penalty area than a trip on the halfway line on the same player 3 times in 3 minutes.
Persistent infringement does not require a set number of infringements and must be determined in the context of effective game management. So with that in mind, one foul by a player would be tricky to sell as persistent, but a team warned about tactical fouling a certain player, you could get away with anything past one.

Or how about using USB - acting in a manner which shows a lack of respect for the game? Nobody really knows what that law is for anyway! :)