Steve C

The Unfit one!
U17s cup game today, 88th minute, I turn round to see 2 players squaring up (4-1 to reds at this point). As I turn around they start relatively violently pushing each other. This wasnt some typical sunday handbag pushing, this was pretty forceful and I could hear foul language but I couldnt be certain if it was the 2 players in question as there were a few around trying to break it up. I sent them both off for VC but after the match thought it was perhaps too harsh and more adopting an aggressive attitude?

Obviously its too late to bring them back on as the game is done and dusted but should I put a yellow into the county fa and let them and the league know I rescinded a red a piece because I misjudged the situation and on second thought I think a yellow would have been correct?

Opinions peeps?
A&H International
Put the reds in. Its not your call to change the cards. Stick with what you gave.....at the time you obviously thought it was bad enough to merit VC so stick with it. How quickly did you send them off when you seen them push each other??
I let the pushing die down, as they were about to walk off I called them over, took names etc. So id say between stopping play and getting the card out a good 30 seconds at least, at the time I thought that the pushing was pretty forceful but then on second thought is pushing really a VC offence?
I just think that I may have been a bit too harsh with a red, I think I just made my mind up a bit too soon which I know is a mistake!
Always take time to decide. Replay a few times. If you thought it was red stick with it. You will know for any other time.
Hindsight is a terrible thing and it sounds like you have replayed and rewritten the incident in your mind after ruminating on it too much. Write your reports, provide the facts of what happened (no opinion) concisely and accurately. Forget about it and move on.
Look at this maybe this might help go to 35.32

It was euro 2008 and it was
Peter Fröjdfeldt
Put the reds in as that's the decision you made on the day and should stand by it but it definitely sounds too harsh. Unless there's a proper strike or an attempt thereof, it sounds like cautions and a talking to are in order.
I agree. From what you've said - and your thoughts afterwards - it looks a little harsh. As noted above though, you've got to put the report in factually for the cards you gave on the day. The only other thing you could do is to send a separate note to your FA Disciplinary team. Personally I wouldn't - you've also got to think about the big picture here and the impression you are giving to teams, managers and the FA itself.

If you like, justify it with the thought that sometimes with hindsight you might have carded and didn't - you can't redress that balance after the game either! Like so many other things, the best you can do is take the experience and learn from it.
@refcraig, it was pretty much that except the lads werent falling over and they were both guilty of pushing with that kind of force but because they big strong lads, they had thr balance to stay upright! Thats cheered me up a bit about it! Cheers guys!