Advice on Misconduct Report for Match Adandonment


New Member
I abandoned a match yesterday, which was a first and in my first season. The reasons I abandoned the game were as follows:
  1. Officials refusal to leave the pitch area of being sent off
  2. Taking into the highly charged atmosphere, I did not feel I would be able to control the match and player safety could be threatened
  3. I felt I had threatened and unsafe
I would just look some do's and dont's for report writing from colleagues who may have a bit more experience from me. And please feel free to suggest any amendments for my reasons to abandon the match.

Thank you in advance.
A&H International
if you felt unsafe about continuing you did the right thing in abandoning the match - well done!
Make sure you include the facts in the report - timing, names if known or a description (e.g. A member of the City coaching staff"), and avoid opinions.
When you have drafted your report, ask a local colleague to check it and challenge constructively anything which may increase the chances of a successful defence by the club.
Ask someone to check spelling and grammar.
If you are a member of the local RA enlist their support.
Use the booklet you will have been given during your course to guide you re wording.
Send the report today if possible to make sure it's on time.
Again - well done!
Don't put 2 in your report. There reason for abandonment was one. End of. (That is if you abandoned the game at that time)

Write a seperate report for number 3.

Can give you more detailed advice but I need more information on each one of the points you gave. Why and how on all points.

On a side note. Keep your head up and don't let this how this game ended up impact you. We have all had those games. But the good thing is, They don't happens frequently.
Can I ask what happened to kick off the events mentioned above? Not a criticism, just trying to formulate a response with all the facts to hand.
Something like "in the 33rd minute of the match, I showed a red card and sent off Mr. Bean, a member of the FC D*ckheads coaching staff. He refused to leave the field of play and its immediate surroinds and, in my opinion, adopted an aggressive posture towards me so I abandoned the match."

Short, sweet and nothing debatable there. I do not include a description of any events leading up to the incident in my reports since those are all separate incidents.
That, but I’d lose the “in my opinion”. Of course it’s in your opinion, you’re writing it.
That, but I’d lose the “in my opinion”. Of course it’s in your opinion, you’re writing it.

Well, I try my best to always use direct LOTG language so the in my opinion is the appropriate form of "in the opinion of the referee."