Adriano - Norsjelland v Shakhtar


New Member
I am sure most of us have seen his first goal last night.

UEFA have now charged him with unsporting conduct.

Surely they will find it hard to convict him seeing as he did not break any laws of the game.
A&H International
Just looked it up on YouTube, but can't quite understand why they are attempting to charge him! It was unsportsmanlike, but he didn't commit an offence!
AH but he did

b) whose conduct is insulting or otherwise violates the basic rules of decent conduct;
d) whose conduct brings the sport of football, and UEFA in particular, into disrepute;
k) who behaves in an unsporting manner to gain an advantage.

definitely K
Just saw the 'correct' goal, turns out the one I saw wasn't the one. Fair play that he has been charged, but really? There isn't anything in the LOTG that says you can't do it! Just more common sense and sporting!
The team who had the ball originally when play is stopped for an injury should be the team to get the uncontested drop ball, then there wouldn't be any of this "unsportsmanlike behaviour" and no need to rewrite the LOTG so you can't score from a drop ball.