Additional Time For Penalty


RefChat Addict
Here's the law I'm referring to:

"Additional time is allowed for a penalty kick to be taken and completed at the
end of each half of the match or extra time. When additional time is allowed,
the penalty kick is completed when, after the kick has been taken, the ball
stops moving, goes out of play, is played by any player (including the kicker)
other than the defending goalkeeper

So you've got 2 seconds to go on the clock and you give a pen, the player hits it and the keeper parries it straight back to the player for a tap-in.
Technically this means the penalty kick is completed, so you have to wait until the player has kicked it into the open goal and blow the whistle as it's on it's way in.
I wouldn't like to be the ref to give that decision.
A&H International
Technically those two seconds will be added on as additional time after you've cleared the defenders congratulating you for your decision. I'd allow the shot even with an observer present and use that as an explanation.
I would just inform the players that the play will stop right after kick is taken, so no rebounds.
Technically those two seconds will be added on as additional time after you've cleared the defenders congratulating you for your decision. I'd allow the shot even with an observer present and use that as an explanation.

It's a weird situation that would just cause chaos if you went by the laws, surely it should allow for a rebound that would take no more than 3/4 seconds.
The referee is the only time keeper in the match. You are given that exclusive power, why dig a hole for yourself? Its not a basketball game with siren going off at full time.
I loved last minute goals however they were scored. The raw emotion shown by both teams was worth the fee to be involved! Also, I loved the double penalty situation too, player takes pen, keeper saves, there is a rebound and then there is a desperate wipeout tackle to stop the follow through shot. Rare but funny when it happens.
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You forgot about a last minute pen at one end, keeper saves it and a counter is on. Ten seconds later there is a goal at the other end. From the emotion of almost certainly winning the game, very quickly you go to the emotion of losing it (or vise verse). Two very extreme opposite end emotions within 30 seconds.
Why worry about it? I'd just give the pen and allow whatever happened in the 5 seconds after the kick was taken to stand. It's all part of the passage of play that should be allowed to conclude (IMO).

Who can remember Clive Thomas blowing his whistle for time whilst the ball was in the air from a corner, a second after which Brazil scored in a World Cup Finals match back in the seventies?

Or even more recently, Trevor Kettle blowing as Accrington Stanley were firing the ball into the net?

Both goals were disallowed by pedantic refereeing which caused both protagonists no end of grief and infuriated players.

Not for me thanks. :) :cool:
Here's the law I'm referring to:

"Additional time is allowed for a penalty kick to be taken and completed at the
end of each half of the match or extra time. When additional time is allowed,
the penalty kick is completed when, after the kick has been taken, the ball
stops moving, goes out of play, is played by any player (including the kicker)
other than the defending goalkeeper

So you've got 2 seconds to go on the clock and you give a pen, the player hits it and the keeper parries it straight back to the player for a tap-in.
Technically this means the penalty kick is completed, so you have to wait until the player has kicked it into the open goal and blow the whistle as it's on it's way in.
I wouldn't like to be the ref to give that decision.

If you're in this position then you're going to tell the players before the kick that no touch other than the first kick and the keeper counts. That there's no point the attackers following it up.

There might, however, still be a purpose to the defenders following it up....
There might, however, still be a purpose to the defenders following it up....

Ooh like, the keeper saves it, the ball is spinning on the ground into the net, and the defender slide tackles it. So whether successful or not, he's 'touched' it and therefore penalty over?

I guess discretion and the Law of common sense would absolutely have to come into play here otherwise there'll be a bit of a riot?
Ooh like, the keeper saves it, the ball is spinning on the ground into the net, and the defender slide tackles it. So whether successful or not, he's 'touched' it and therefore penalty over?

I guess discretion and the Law of common sense would absolutely have to come into play here otherwise there'll be a bit of a riot?

Discretion? the law is black and white here.

You tell the players before the kick that 'anybody else touches it, it's over'. Doesn't leave any room for argument.
Technically those two seconds will be added on as additional time
There nothing I'm aware of that says you should stop your watch when a penalty is awarded. The law says allowance should be made for:
  • substitutions
  • assessment and/or removal of injured players
  • wasting time
  • disciplinary sanctions
  • stoppages for drinks or other medical reasons permitted by competition rules
  • any other cause, including any significant delay to a restart (e.g. goal celebrations)
Unless the penalty actually caused a significant delay above and beyond what is normal, there's technically no need to make any additional time allowance.

In the situation being discussed, time has already expired and the only reason you and the players are still on the field, is to allow the penalty to be taken. A special, exceptional, additional time allowance has been made purely for this purpose, not based on any of the normal criteria. This additional time is over as soon as the penalty is complete, as detailed in the Laws. There is no discretion to allow even more exceptional, additional time. The law is quite clear that play has to stop as soon as the penalty is completed - and no rebounds or follow-ups are permitted.