Accidentally had a genius idea


Politically Incorrect
For those of you who a little lower threshold for cold (like me), I accidentally found a genius idea.

If it's cold I would rather wear a compression top under my shirt than a long sleeved top.

Many times I've wanted to pull the top partly over my hands too to keep my hands warm, but of course that would cover my watches and not be practical.

Today I happened to be wearing one of my spare tops I used to play in, which had some holes cut in at the end of the sleeves to put my thumbs through Yaya Toure style.

Imagine my delight when I realised said holes were just the right size to pull around the face of my watches, keep the sleeves tight and give additional warmth to my hands, whilst still looking tidy.

A&H International
No, as of this morning It ws makde clear that i was neither cat, nor dog, nor human, but in fact a cun7.

Who'd have known!?!
No, as of this morning It ws makde clear that i was neither cat, nor dog, nor human, but in fact a cun7.

Who'd have known!?!

Nice. Was this something you were aware of, or was it news to you?

I hope you did the decent thing and allowed the offender to go and think a little longer about it in the changing rooms?
Yeah - he followed the guy that had got his 2nd YC so they could go and compare notes.
Well I'll be.

I searched long and hard at the time for ones that had a hole, thinking that if I cut a whole they would just fray away (they don't by the way, cut away).
When it is freezing (really, really cold) I have some ref gloves....

There I have said it!
lol yes. But it will have long sleeve under armour cold gear top under it!!