

Level 9 Referee
Hi , pretty much new on here and I have had a look through a mixture of threads and would someone kindly translate the abbreviations I am coming across from time to time please ?. It must be referee talk / slang but I am not sure what some mean lol.
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A&H International
well what I can think of:

DOGSO - Denial of Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity
OFFINABUS - Offensive, Insulting or Abusive language or behaviour
Walking a player - sending them off
IMO - In My Opinion
CFA - County Football Association
CAR/NAR - Club/Neutral Assistant Referee
USB - Unsporting Behaviour
FOP - Field of Play

OP - Opening Post

To name a few...
Can we keep the posts on topic and refrain from school boy name calling.

IFK is also seen a lot for Indirect Free Kicks.

SFP - Serious Foul Play
VC - Violent Conduct
USB Unsporting Behaviour
GC Goal Celebration
RP Reckless Play
SP Pushing/Pulling
UB Unspecified Behaviour
AA Adopting an Aggressive Attitude
DP Dangerous Play
DI Simulation/Diving
FT Foul Tackle
HB Handball
TR Tripping

PGMOL Professional Game Match Officials Limited
RDO Referee Development Officer
CTO County Training Officer

And last but not least
SM = @Supermonkey