

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi guys just wanted some advice on this Incident..
Done a First Division local league game on Wednesday this week and it only lasted 56 minutes as the 6th minute in the second half two players ended up grappling with each other then proceeded to punch the living daylights out of each other, both were red carded for VC but due to the nature of the Incident I decided to abandon it!!

Thoughts & opinions.......
A&H International
For what reason did you abandon? Not questioning the decision to abandon, just interested to know more about your reasoning.
Thinking about it, this is recent so will be going through CFA currently? If so be careful what you post in terms of details
My rough rule with this is 3 or more players from.each team fighting... Then abandon for mass conf... But for 2 or 3 players then just deal with those involved and crack on.

As above would be interested to hear reasoning but make sure you don't put any team names or clues as SM said, could be under investigation still
Was the two players fighting the only incident?

I'd also be interested in your reasoning. Did you feel it was likely to spill over into the rest of the match?
He said about punching the living daylight out of each other! so maybe the extent of their injuries?
how about we await a response before we continue to seculate - or maybe he has been advise otherwise against posting aynthing on,one so might actually not get anything back here.
Without saying too much that could get me in trouble, the abandonment was due to the nature of the violent conduct, and the total disregard the 2 individuals had for themselves, eachother and more importantly the LOTG and majority of players didnt bemian the desicion..And I felt that the remaining minutes of the half would/could have decended into chaos!!
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If you're going to abandon each time players show no respect for the LOTG, each other and themselves.....you won't finish many matches!

Not sure how you can arrive at a decision that the game would have descended into chaos if it was only the 2 players scrapping?
Fair enough after a MC where loads of players were involved......

Was this your first case of players fighting/abandonment?
Padfoot, this is a supportive community of referees. We are here to help each other out, provide advice and generally enjoy the camaraderie of like minded individuals.

None of us aside from Lee were there, we don't know what this situation was like for Him. If you wish to provide some advice or support great. Otherwise, be warned that your nonsense will not be tolerated.

I would suggest you think carefully about your next posting.

In future won't bother to try and find out meaningful info so meaningful advice can be offered.

Will just tell everyone that they have handled it perfectly regardless of what the reality may be.....they may not learn anything but at least they will feel good about themselves.
Literally everything you type Padfoot is to question or disagree with everyone. To suggest what you type is meaningful is being generous to the extreme as you seem to pick holes in literally anything. I have yet to see a thread where you have been genuinely positive about something.

To the OP, as others have said it is rare to abandon a game with just two fighting, were the other players kicking off as well just not throwing punches etc. if the air of the game was dodgy then understandable to prevent anyone getting seriously hurt.
Padfoot, this is a supportive community of referees. We are here to help each other out, provide advice and generally enjoy the camaraderie of like minded individuals.

None of us aside from Lee were there, we don't know what this situation was like for Him. If you wish to provide some advice or support great. Otherwise, be warned that your nonsense will not be tolerated.

I would suggest you think carefully about your next posting.

Brilliant response, really well put! I hope quite a few members of this forum read this and take note!!
What wasn't necessary me having an opinion on a post? Why dont you just ignore me in future Haywain, you seem to have to pass derogatory comments on everything I type at the moment so you leave me alone and ill do the same.
This is a cheerful thread!

Back on topic. I think for only two fighting it's a bit tricky to see why you would abandon. My only advice is trying to give as long as possible before restarting so tempers can settle down a bit. But that's often easier said than done.
the referee always has the option to suspend a match as opposed to abandoning it - corresponds to dave's point above