A victim of our own success!

Top man in the parish

Active Member
Level 5 Referee

I've got an appointment for next month! With one of the clubs involved in a county cup this weekend and the other team not playing, it's a top of the table 1st v 2nd 6 pointer, no pressure then? The reverse fixture's in 3 weeks time I think.

Joking aside, the league is really over-staffed with referees, I've had a job to get a game, bad weather or not, and several leagues around my county tell a similar story when you bell them and offer yourself up, Appts Sec's turning referees away, though some have been giving fixtures to assessment candidates in fairness, and quite right too.

This is for a Tuesday evening and suits me fine. I am of course inwardly pleased to see every fixture with a qualified referee on it, but I'm not sure if it's because of more referees, less football, or a good piece of both. What's the situation in your area of the land?

Anyway, at 54, if I start warming up today, I should be good to go!! Still excited to get a game! can't be bad
A&H International
i have assumed, until two minutes ago, that it would be easier for a level 5 ref to get fixtures than it is for a level 7.

as you say, it may be a county thing. just out of interest are you limiting yourself to which leagues you will cover, i.e. no youth
No mate I still do youngsters if I can, but our Senior/Junior/Sunday leagues are well stocked.

I'd flag on the Hellenic at a push, but I'm 4-5 yards down on where I used to be through age/fitness and I'd be horrified to ruin somebody's season by letting them down, and assessments wise I'm pleased that leagues are putting on good challenging games to look at referees on (I'm still involved there to be honest so it's not a total football dessert for me)

End of season catch up games, so it's right time - right place for me as it goes, the 2 teams and I all know each other, so maybe a bit of experience does count when push comes to shove. I think most Appts Secs look at who does what sensibly, I don't mind being an 'also-ran' to be honest Haywain, it was just nice to see me down for one lol
We're also in a good position in my county, to many level 5/6's so they're always doing the lower leagues which makes it difficult for us 7's to get a fixture, I some times have to drive 60/70 mile round trip to get a fixture in another county as they are shockingly short of refs, trouble is they have a set fee of £27 so it definitely not in it for the money situation. I think there's only been 2 weeks where I've not been assigned to a game.
Wow that's crazy. Unless it is an incredibly civilised league. How do cup matches work?