The Ref Stop

A & H / Jeff Pettitt

Kent Ref

RefChat Addict
I am not going to name this company but i would like to tell you the story none the less.

I ordered an item from a company and they sent me the wrong colour item. They admitted their site was faulty and showed the wrong picture / colour.

When i sent it back they accused me of trying to get a bigger refund for the postage than what i had actually spent.

Luckily i had a proof of posting certificate that proved the actual cost. They just looked at the additional charge on the return and not the other stamps attached to it.

I've never known anything like it. I'll never use them again.

I've told them to keep the returned item and not to bother with a replacement.
The Ref Stop
Assuming you mean A&H, hardly surprising when their founder and owner is terminally ill in a nursing home, and his wife who helped to run the business is obviously otherwise engaged. Anyone that knows Jeff will tell you how much he contributed to refereeing development in the South East over many decades, hence the donations and comments from people ranging from grass roots referees to current Premier League officials on the link below.

Given how rapidly his condition deteriorated it is amazing they managed to keep the business going at all. Some things are more important than being able to order a referee shirt.

Assuming you mean A&H, hardly surprising when their founder and owner is terminally ill in a nursing home, and his wife who helped to run the business is obviously otherwise engaged. Anyone that knows Jeff will tell you how much he contributed to refereeing development in the South East over many decades, hence the donations and comments from people ranging from grass roots referees to current Premier League officials on the link below.

Given how rapidly his condition deteriorated it is amazing they managed to keep the business going at all. Some things are more important than being able to order a referee shirt.

Most customers are hardly likely to know that though
Sad news it is however... Some folk suffer some very cruel ailments
Most customers are hardly likely to know that though
Sad news it is however... Some folk suffer some very cruel ailments
Sad news in regards to Jeff. My thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.

I’ve also got to agree with Big Cat, us customers who have supported A&H in earlier years and have recently (in the last year or two) been disappointed in their general customer service are hardly likely to know of the circumstances with Jeff.
Most customers are hardly likely to know that though
Sad news it is however... Some folk suffer some very cruel ailments

Yes, I know, and it isn't exactly the sort of thing they will put on their home page.

I've known Jeff for a long time, it was obvious there was something wrong as he appeared confused and had problems with speech, we were all hoping for a much better prognosis.
Assuming you mean A&H, hardly surprising when their founder and owner is terminally ill in a nursing home, and his wife who helped to run the business is obviously otherwise engaged. Anyone that knows Jeff will tell you how much he contributed to refereeing development in the South East over many decades, hence the donations and comments from people ranging from grass roots referees to current Premier League officials on the link below.

Given how rapidly his condition deteriorated it is amazing they managed to keep the business going at all. Some things are more important than being able to order a referee shirt.

What a sad story.
As a further update, Jeff Pettitt sadly passed away this morning. RIP.
I've set up a new password just so I could say that I hope Jeff rests in peace and that his family find some solace in the outpouring of affection and respect for him. His name was known far and wide. His company did a lot of good.

Also I hope everyone is keeping well. I'm rapidly coming up on my one year anniversary of walking away from refereeing. Haven't regretted it for a moment. The world of secondary school Maths teaching has never been so much fun... well in my classroom anyway.