A cheeky battle


RefChat Addict
Had a game this afternoon, which was a fairly heated affair.

it started fairly even until about 10-15 minutes into the first half where two players went in for a loose ball.

As soon as I saw it I went straight to caution for the away player, which is what I gave. Though in hindsight and judging by the injury (nasty gash but the player stayed on) I think that had I been in a better position I would have gone red. Not much I can do about it now, but try and work on my positioning a bit more and to take more time to consider all options and variables before making a decision.

That set the tone for the rest of the match, and it pretty much ended up a stop start affair, and every time I tried to loosen the reigns a bit I had to clamp down again.

other than a couple of other cautions which I will come onto in a bit it just turned into a nasty niggly game, both teams were at it, there was some sort of of pushing or pulling in every challenge, lots of little trips etc after the ball had gone.

In the second half I had a caution for a player who just kicked his opponent in the knee, while challenging for the ball (he was nowhere near it)

The player who was cautioned in the first half got his second for a challenge on the home keeper at a corner which I judged to be reckless.

And to cap it off I had one of the away team in the bin for screaming at me after I awarded a penalty in the 78th minute.

I think that I was probably too lenient when it came to cautions early on, and that if I had cracked down a bit more in the first half on things like kicking the ball away and perhaps some persistent infringement etc then things might have calmed down a bit in the second.

But onwards to upwards to the next one.
A&H International
I'm coming to slowly think that then we starting thinking that we'll do teams favours by letting things go and try to negotiate with them, we don't actually help them or ourselves. Some games we can clearly relax a little, but otherwise I think I definitely need to be readier with the cards at the start, and set out a strong stall for the rest of the game. I'm sure we've all had games like that where no matter what we do, someone's having a grumble!
Good reflection @zarathustra . Sometimes no matter how you adjust your refereeing players just find a way to take the game to the gutter.

I don't know if you have seen the movie Butterfly Effect where a kid keeps going back in time to get a chance to change a bad outcome of series of events. Everytime he changes something the outcome becomes worse.
Good reflection @zarathustra . Sometimes no matter how you adjust your refereeing players just find a way to take the game to the gutter.

I don't know if you have seen the movie Butterfly Effect where a kid keeps going back in time to get a chance to change a bad outcome of series of events. Everytime he changes something the outcome becomes worse.
Superb film.
I'm coming to slowly think that then we starting thinking that we'll do teams favours by letting things go and try to negotiate with them, we don't actually help them or ourselves. Some games we can clearly relax a little, but otherwise I think I definitely need to be readier with the cards at the start, and set out a strong stall for the rest of the game. I'm sure we've all had games like that where no matter what we do, someone's having a grumble!
It's a balancing act. A card too ealry can see you end up with a notebook full.
Yes you need to e
Be ready but you don't want to be jumping down people's throat with a caution really ealry, unless you really have to, of course.
Good reflection @zarathustra . Sometimes no matter how you adjust your refereeing players just find a way to take the game to the gutter.

I don't know if you have seen the movie Butterfly Effect where a kid keeps going back in time to get a chance to change a bad outcome of series of events. Everytime he changes something the outcome becomes worse.

Yes, while I think that a dismissal for the challenge in the first half might have helped a bit, I think they’re were just two of “those” teams and it always would have been like that.

The away team were bobbing off after the game that people like me shouldn’t be allowed to referee etc etc but I’ve heard it all before, and it always seems to be from a team that has been soundly beaten looking for someone to blame.

Sadly I had to cry of this mornings game as my little boy decided to throw up everywhere last night.

So I have a day sat on the sofa watching Cars with a 2 year old instead.
I'm coming to slowly think that then we starting thinking that we'll do teams favours by letting things go and try to negotiate with them, we don't actually help them or ourselves. Some games we can clearly relax a little, but otherwise I think I definitely need to be readier with the cards at the start, and set out a strong stall for the rest of the game. I'm sure we've all had games like that where no matter what we do, someone's having a grumble!
I was on the line Tuesday night
Bad tackle with just a couple of minutes on the clock. Clear Reckless Play bordering on Dangerous. Ref decided upon the 'Public Word' approach.
Game was a bad tempered affair for the remaining 88 minutes. Trouble is, we don't have 'sliding doors' to find out what would've happened. We can only infer the likely outcome based on experience from other games in which we took a different course of action
I was on the line Tuesday night
Bad tackle with just a couple of minutes on the clock. Clear Reckless Play bordering on Dangerous. Ref decided upon the 'Public Word' approach.
Game was a bad tempered affair for the remaining 88 minutes. Trouble is, we don't have 'sliding doors' to find out what would've happened. We can only infer the likely outcome based on experience from other games in which we took a different course of action
Precisely that. Clear reckless play is perhaps where I come from with unless you really have to. I think if you go public word, you have to get the caution out at the next sniff of reckless.
I'm coming to slowly think that then we starting thinking that we'll do teams favours by letting things go and try to negotiate with them, we don't actually help them or ourselves.

Indeed, I find most games where it runs away from the referee or causes more incidents tend to happen from letting things go.
I was on the line Tuesday night
Bad tackle with just a couple of minutes on the clock. Clear Reckless Play bordering on Dangerous. Ref decided upon the 'Public Word' approach.
Game was a bad tempered affair for the remaining 88 minutes. Trouble is, we don't have 'sliding doors' to find out what would've happened. We can only infer the likely outcome based on experience from other games in which we took a different course of action

my last line waa three weekends ago, orange tackle in 33 secs
ref went yc.

as you rightly say, we will never know either way but some things can only be managed by a sanction.
Dont try to manage the unmanagable