
RefChat Addict
(Having picked up on my heavy hints ) my children bought me "89" for Christmas, a DVD documentary on "that game" that saw Arsenal win the league by beating Liverpool 2-0 in the very last game of the season.

Last night I settled down to watch it - what a treat. With a running time of circa 120 mins, it mixes interviews with the players and manager, interspersed with footage from the time. Although making only a cameo appearance, the referee on the day also contributes, and adds an interesting insight for us "men in black."

I must declare an interest: although a life-long Bristol City fan, in the late eighties I was student in London and a regular at Highbury that season and was at the last two home games that are both featured in the film. The DVD will appeal more to those of us who remember those days, and particularly to those with a connection to Arsenal, but would be, I think, enjoyable for anyone who likes football - I don't think we will see its like again. Younger viewers may be shocked to see goalkeepers calmly picking up the ball from a back-pass! Football was different then.

Its currently available for less than seven quid on Amazon: if you can spare a quarter of a match fee I think you'll enjoy it.

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A&H International